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Do I really have a type...

Has covid made you change your preferences in what you are seeking? I’m chatting to some men I probably wouldn’t have normally gone for, and I’m feeling pleasantly surprised.

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Comments (88)

Tease Me! - 06 Jun, 2020 - 10:25AM

I am open to chatting to anyone that sends me a decent first message but I find it very off putting when after a very initial first chat I get told that their membership is about to expire so can we move to WhatsApp or Kik!
When I say that's unfortunate but I would want to know them a lot better first with a view to meeting up before moving off the site I then get a whole rant about do I know how much men have to pay to be on here and do I know that women don't have to pay!!

Come on guys, that's really not what we ladies want to hear and not very tasteful, at the end of the day we are all hoping to meet our perfect IE but that is not the right way to go about it.....

Does anyone else have thoughts about this?

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Lisaxoxo - 06 Jun, 2020 - 10:01AM

My type is definitely someone emotionally stable, smart, confident, adventurous, well dresses, high hygiene standards and generous( time-wise and sex-wise) 🥰

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1360475 - 27 Apr, 2020 - 04:02PM

Hi every one, just checking in after long day in the office ..
Hope you are all well and keeping safe 😁

1363477 - 27 Apr, 2020 - 04:01PM

Excalibur. Too true. I feel exactly the same. Posted message after message no responses. I think 1 in 30 have replied.

1376887 - 27 Apr, 2020 - 03:54PM

@Mews0001 I’m definitely female. Feels breasts, yes that’s affirmative.

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1323333 - 27 Apr, 2020 - 03:54PM

So do I have a type is the question. Yes, a woman who politely responds to a message when I've taken the time to read her profile and respond to it! I understand not everyone will respond, but I'm getting a suspicion that there are a lot of false profiles &/or maybe women here who are so inundated with messages they just don't read them. The latter is true to some extent because out of 10 messages sent I see only about one being read.

As to type, yes, but it becomes irrelevant quite quickly when personality takes over. Naturally there has to be some initial attraction.

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MatureWorcsBBW - 27 Apr, 2020 - 03:53PM

Do any of you respond to the pressure messages?
I've had a few saying that my membership ends in the next 24 hours so let's move to a chat app as soon as possible.

I don't know how you feel about that but if we've only exchanged a few messages in the last ten minutes, I'm not eager to be pressured to chat elsewhere.

I don't respond favourably to pressure like this and it simply puts me off so instead of encouraging chat, for me, it ends the conversation.

I also tend to like the more measured replies and more mature gentlemen (I'm 55 so VERY old lol) although younger men who also show patience are often appealing too.

I can't wait to start making plans for a real in the flesh meeting.

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Mews0001 - 27 Apr, 2020 - 03:44PM

Apart from where it is obvious (Arabelle is not, at the last asking, a man's name), it would be useful if the writers would say M or F.

Me, I'm a definite M with a soft side leaning towards F ( the ladies here will understand). So those ladies wanting a 6ft 6in muscle man, look elsewhere, although I am very fit and toned.

Self promotion over! Lol
So, if there are any ladies in the London/South East area who are interested, let me know.

I don't have a "type" :-)

NorthWessexChap - 27 Apr, 2020 - 03:41PM

Just saying hello to all out there!


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1375355 - 27 Apr, 2020 - 03:40PM

I think that having a 'type' can l make you miss out on a lot of partners who might be just what you need. I wouldn't be able to describe my perfect IE, for me attraction is not definable, but I know it when I see it, or feel it! I have come to this with no preset ideas and I'm taking my time and seeing where it leads.....

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