Is home more bearable when you have an IE?
Do you find you get on easier with your husband/wife when you're having an affair?
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Comments (128)
Chelseaguy12 - 12 May, 2020 - 12:40PM
yes....having someone whose replacing what youre not getting from your other half makes you happier. We became much closer
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alexc2020 - 11 May, 2020 - 01:57PM
I would love to have an affair, my life at home is so depressing. I need that excitement in my life. My wife has a very low sex drive, I have tried everything but its too much hassle and she starts moaning. I just want to feel the excitement again.
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1382044 - 09 May, 2020 - 09:38AM
Oh definitely. I am more relaxed and in accordance with guidance I read somewhere am especially nice to him. He in turn is much more relaxed and nicer. Should I ask if he is having an affair?
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1272141 - 05 May, 2020 - 03:56PM
I'd say overall having an ie simply lifts the high moments, but can add to the depth of the lows. I've been in one for long enough to forget about all the niggly stuff that's par for the course of a conventional marriage. Wifey considers that the partnership has born fruit and prospered. with that she's happy enough.
ExoticOrchid - 05 May, 2020 - 03:54PM
Slow and Deeper - 05 May, 2020 - 03:46PM
"Are any women actually looking to meet?"
Are any men actually looking to meet?
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Oldgroovy - 05 May, 2020 - 03:52PM
I don't believe it makes any difference except that I would be in a better frame of mind for the every day knowing my would be lover is there when I need her or she needs me. The real issue is the inability to get out and physically meet anyone, lover or friend. Daniel
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RumplesBear - 05 May, 2020 - 03:51PM
Slow and Deeper
Yes they are. But you've got an auto generated profile and that's usually an instaskipnfor people. There's so many of those, and it just shows people can't be bothered. If you can't write about yourself in your 50s, Christ.
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Geek0808 - 05 May, 2020 - 03:48PM
Yep find getting on with the other half us better when having affair.
Maybe I feel guilty in what Iām doing ....
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