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Romantic IEs

What is the most romantic thing an IE has ever done for you?

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Comments (131)

Nadia747 - 22 Dec, 2023 - 04:03PM

He dumped me after the divorce was finalised after we been together for 5 years and half together. Telling me that he have 100 chances to find what he wants . It ended last year but the guy was 67 years old I thought I am very much younger than him so I must have 200 chances + 67 to find a real man.
Unfortunately I am still here no man wants a young woman who has been with a cougar.

marklondonengland - 22 Dec, 2023 - 12:28PM

I met an IE in London, although she lived in the US and was visiting her sister. After her holiday finished, she came back to London just to see me two months later. For the next couple of years I would visit the US every two months and she would come to London every two months. It only ended when we both started feeling like it might become more than just IE - we are still friends now though...

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phillyd - 21 May, 2020 - 01:25PM

lushlips 1978. There are a few of us around. Only one for me.

1386447 - 21 May, 2020 - 01:04PM

Asked for a threesome….x

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Nitsgoa - 21 May, 2020 - 07:44AM

Hi Sweetie2020...like ur profile!

1350989 - 13 May, 2020 - 10:35PM

Would be nice to find one bloke, no faffing around bed hopping .... I’m dreaming and still here🙄

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Teresa di Vicenzo - 13 May, 2020 - 09:33PM

Not much, we’re both married so to dart off somewhere exotic would be tricky. For me though, to have him just lean across in a restaurant or bar, or even in a shop queue, to kiss me is romantic and not something I’m used to at all. Sometimes it’s the little things

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Teresa di Vicenzo - 13 May, 2020 - 09:31PM

BrownEyedGirl01 - 12 May, 2020 - 08:29PM

Hmmmm earlier posts 🤔 The Ivy 🤔

1334304 - 12 May, 2020 - 08:29PM

Keto555.... and you’re still on here?.... 🤔

Dancing In The Rain - 12 May, 2020 - 07:49PM

Haha..not much but I once created a MP3 that looked like a tape and recorded all our songs on it ... she loved it but then decided to divorce and go legit..so we had to move on.

Still, loved the process, felt like a teenager again 😎

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