Cold feet
Does anyone get cold feet after arranging a meet? how do you deal with it..? I am serious about meeting someone just worried I will mess up and get caught
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Comments (172)
1680841 - 14 Aug, 2024 - 10:02PM
Sounds as though the author is suffering from a bout of nerves rather than cold feet?
Nerves are very natural; you're aware of the consequences!
Planning is everything (7 'P's) accept what you're doing and either commit or retire.
So nice when it's all 'black and white' 🙄🙄🙄
ExoticOrchid - 14 Aug, 2024 - 08:57PM
PE - 03:19PM
Agree re "he would have to come to me" ... however, in this particular case, I reckon this woman (she ain't no lady!) just fancied an all expenses paid jolly down to London! He's had a narrow escape.
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EmnEm123 - 14 Aug, 2024 - 07:59PM
What you have to remember is that everyone is allowed to have a change of heart, no matter the reason.
However, you need to be upfront. Don't make arrangements and then ghost or worse, make arrangements and not show.
We're all adults, things, feelings change. If they didn't we would all be sitting at home with the person we met at sixteen.
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Paula99 - 14 Aug, 2024 - 05:02PM
Great post 👍… it just shows it’s not only the males that do foolish things in search of intimacy and sex…
AsianGent1986 - 14 Aug, 2024 - 03:50PM
It’s natural to get cold feet, especially when it is your first time but what you need to suss out is whether you are actually serious about an affair or not.
I’ve said it multiple times on this forum but deciding to engage in an affair is a risk to reward calculation and you need to figure out whether your cold feet is simply nerves or whether fundamentally that you don’t really want to have an affair.
For some, the fantasy of an affair is more appealing that the reality of the lies, deception and guilt (potentially) that encompass an actual affair.
Figure it out before you proceed with anything. The last thing you want is to be wracked by guilt after an encounter and bring your own world crashing down. I’ve learned through comms on here, some just aren’t ready.
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1494077 - 11 Aug, 2024 - 03:19PM
guitarman1142 - 10 Aug, 2024 - 11:08PM
Hope she didn’t get you to fork out anymore than just the cost of train tickets and feeling a little demoralised.
Personally, I would never travel all that way to meet someone for the first time. He would have to come to me 😊
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Paula99 - 11 Aug, 2024 - 03:04PM
I do like that one ….Balls are full the brain is empty 😂😂😂😂….so very true
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1687814 - 11 Aug, 2024 - 01:53PM
It’s true when they say when your balls are full, you’re brain is empty, I wouldn’t be paying for tickets tho, I’d buy you a maccies at best.
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1689233 - 11 Aug, 2024 - 12:55PM
This isn't a world you play around in, you're either in or not. Even being on this site falls within the definition of cheating.
Then again, sometimes it takes going to an extreme to make people realise that what they have at home isn't so bad after all.
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