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Cold feet

Does anyone get cold feet after arranging a meet? how do you deal with it..? I am serious about meeting someone just worried I will mess up and get caught

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Comments (143)

Pogosticks87 - 15 May, 2020 - 11:07PM

There's always a degree of nervousness when meeting someone new - in particular someone you hope to have an intimate connection with. In this line there is also the secondary worry of being caught.
You have two choices...dont meet or do. Only one is safe but it means nothing changes. The second has a degree of excitement and more danger but it could be one of the best experiences you have...or not. It's a risk.

In my opinion so long as your alibi or reason for being away is as solid as it can be then it's best to go for it and see what happens.

1376072 - 15 May, 2020 - 10:58PM

Hello xx

1376072 - 15 May, 2020 - 10:58PM

Hello xx

Pogosticks87 - 15 May, 2020 - 10:54PM

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1334304 - 15 May, 2020 - 08:18PM

The butterflies and the excitement of a first meet is amazing, especially when you seem to be on the same wave length and have that initial chemistry...... getting caught shouldn’t be an option if you both plan well. I for one have never been stood up or stood my dates up - I’d rather meet and see..... and here I am back on IE! 😆

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MatureWorcsBBW - 15 May, 2020 - 08:15PM

My preferences are to talk on the phone as soon as possible.
If that goes well, meet up as soon as possible.
If he doesn't turn up or call to cancel within thirty minutes, I've always got something else planned.

Plenty more fish in the sea.

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Yorkshirerugby - 15 May, 2020 - 08:13PM

With the name changed, the advice I'm currently reading on here about meets etc. Any additional advice to a newcomer. I do only want one partner. One I can be sure will be discrete and one I can chat too and is open with me. I've been married 20 years so dipping my toes into something new is both exciting and daunting all at the same time.

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Thumos - 15 May, 2020 - 08:11PM

I've never had cold feet as such, but I have had a few occasions when I've arranged a meeting (and gone through with it) when I wasn't entirely convinced there was the the possibility of that elusive chemistry.

In those few cases it would have been better for both parties if I hadn't suggested the meeting, or if I'd politely declined the request to meet.

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tea_coffee_me_ - 15 May, 2020 - 07:58PM

"SarahL - I don't meet til I'm 100% certain"
One can NEVER be 100% certain, especially prior to meeting!

"ExoticOrchid - never, ever, stood anyone up "
It annoys me the number of men that do stand me up, its beyond a joke AND they know childcare has had to be arranged and PAID FOR!!
Those men are an utter disgrace.
Some even say, see you in half an hour, then nothing.... X many months later they have forgotten who they have stood up, and contact me!!

I have to stop being on here from time to time as quite simply paying out childcare for nothing is just not in my budget!

"Farmore - My advice is to meet early ... rather than spending hours bearing your soul online."
AGREE Always think, how much do I want this stranger on the internet to know about me prior to meeting etc

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1383048 - 15 May, 2020 - 07:43PM

My advice is to meet early. It’s only a walk in the park these days at 2 meters.

Makes it easy to decide, rather than spending hours bearing your soul online.

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