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Long Lasting IE

What’s the secret to a long lasting IE?

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Comments (107)

1383048 - 19 May, 2020 - 10:41PM

To Tereza de vincenzo

Manchester city are irresistible.

1383048 - 19 May, 2020 - 10:37PM

Rare meets I presume.

1334304 - 19 May, 2020 - 10:30PM

Keep things fresh and exciting if you’re seeing each other quite regularly I’d say! As long as it’s mutually kept lighthearted and honest then just let the good times roll!😘

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1350989 - 19 May, 2020 - 10:03PM

I would like to say, throughout my experience with an ie, I was as honest and loyal as possible, however can not say the same for him, as much fun as it was for the build up the lust soon vanished, after endless asks for meets ups only to be given excuses, my flame died , in fact I need a new candle🤣

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1328172 - 19 May, 2020 - 09:51PM

I agree with Emily
Happens loads
What' else can you expect

We are cheaters

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1328828 - 19 May, 2020 - 09:40PM

I once would have agreed with all the reasons listed and thought I had found my fun pal. It would appear that however much of a connection, chemistry, communication, honesty, time spent together, great sex etc there are some folk who just want the thrill of the chase and aren’t satisfied with the one regular hook-up. Both men and women are guilty of this. Choose carefully and don’t fall for the ‘I feel such a connection to you’ ‘I wish I’d met you sooner’ or think that because they message you hundreds of times a day that they aren’t doing the same with others at the same time. I’ll be grateful he told me in the end. Just my experience. I remain hopeful...

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Yorkshirerugby - 19 May, 2020 - 09:02PM

Respect, attraction and trust I would say. Although I'm new to the site and haven't had any IE as yet but isn't it the same with any relationship.

Says I who is looking for an affair! Ha ha. But aren't we all.

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Thumos - 19 May, 2020 - 08:48PM

Choose your partner carefully.

For us men, I understand there is the temptation to try to get 'value for money' before you membership runs out.

Just. Don't.

Obviously, different rules apply if you're polyamorous...

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Pogosticks87 - 19 May, 2020 - 08:25PM

MatureWorcsBBW - He took his laptop....oh dear!

I can understand why it ended soon after!

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AA1RON - 19 May, 2020 - 07:59PM

Hi everyone,

The secret to a long lasting IE??
I'm not telling because it's a TOP SECRET and should stay that way..😂 Just kidding!

I would say the following has has helped me with the longest IE. But like most things there are no guarantees! It's a gamble and the IE's need to set and stick to some ground rules to mitigate any risks and always remember whats at stake and the consequences.

Don't get to complacent. Protect all your digital assets like fort knox
Be discreet as possible with all dates, receipts, bookings and paperwork.
For newbies start of in small steps and phase it in gently. Don't go for a big bam all of a sudden approach i.e. sudden work trips when you haven't had any and same with clubs and activities. To all don,'t arouse suspicions our other halves or estranged halves 90% of the time know a lot more about us than we can imagine.Keep things at home exactly the same. Status Quo.Treat everyone with respect and how you would like to be treated. Don't get drunk/under the influen

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