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Is one IE enough?

How many on here have actually been completely monogamous with their IE?
How many have cheated (if that's a thing) on their IE with another (or multiple) IE?
Were you honest with your IE?
And how many still have any sort of sexual relationship with their spouse?

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Comments (140)

cloverlane529 - 10 Mar, 2024 - 04:23PM

Some people might prefer to focus on one deep connection, others may like multiple for a variety of reasons (how often you can see each other, what specific needs they fulfill etc)
Important to be honest about it and everyone has the right to decide whether or not they are comfortable with that arrangement

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1644733 - 10 Mar, 2024 - 03:31PM

Cheating on an IE, give me a break!

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1653827 - 10 Mar, 2024 - 11:43AM

Deep intimate connections.
Big dick, fanny, shag…🤷‍♂️

1653842 - 10 Mar, 2024 - 11:14AM

Would be if I had a current IE but only just rejoined . Two or more just too complicated . Best to concentrate on making one really happy but it has to be said now to find an IE

TJJ89_fun - 10 Mar, 2024 - 10:11AM

I think it depends on what people are looking for on here. Some will want excitement with multiple people and some will want a deeper connection with one person. As long as you’re open and honest with any IE that you speak to before meeting and everything is agreed then each to their own and no harm done! For me, having one person that I could meet regularly would make it more exciting but I wouldn’t hold it against them if they had more than one IE xx

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Bucksjohn - 09 Mar, 2024 - 04:05PM

If you are going to go on IE in my opinion one is enough and then you can devote your attention to that one person only..the intimacy is also a lot stronger if you do..

Peaches1 - 09 Mar, 2024 - 02:23PM

I dont have any intimacy with my husband and haven't done for years. We live seperate lives and sleep in seperate beds. I wouldnt be coming on sites like this if everything was great at home. I have been loyal to my IE or any person I have met. Just a shame they haven't which is why the last 2 year relation ended as noticed he was back on the usual sites. Men tend to do this alot. Cant comment whether women do but would be interesting to here a man's point of view.

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blue_eyed11 - 09 Mar, 2024 - 11:18AM

in my opinion it’s only right to keep it to one IE but that is only my opinion and my preference. each to their own As others have said living remotely which i do does have its own set of challenges and thins down prospective IEs but i’m in no hurry and enjoying the convos however brief some may be.

Paula99 - 07 Feb, 2024 - 05:28PM

Ahhh haaa …

We are back to the ‘main course’ and should we have a ‘side salad’ discussion 👍

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Marlen - 23 Jan, 2024 - 06:49PM

In the IE world, I think it ethical to be monogamous, in the sense of only one IE relationship at a time till its run its course. Otherwise you're a player, with all that entails and the risks. This doesn't apply, if you're upfront about this and your IE(s) accept this, but its honourable and right to give them the choice.

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