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Having an affair changed my life. The woman I started seeing earlier this year trained for marathons and got me into running.

 What is the biggest lifestyle change that has come out of an affair for you?

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Comments (192)

hazle-eyes - 17 Nov, 2021 - 12:10PM

I hope if I find an IE they will motivate me to be more active whether they are active or not. My self esteem (pride) has taken a lot of hits over the last few years. I hope that I will be motivated even more to change for the better :-)

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Paula99 - 17 Nov, 2021 - 12:39AM

I met an older guy ...had a lasting affair and he became my best friend...my mentor and my lover.....we are still friends now and we have brought so much to each other's lives...I started my fitness plan ...stopped drinking and changed my job inturn I have lowered my BP.
My whole life has changed for the better because of him...I will always adore him.

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Fireworks999 - 16 Nov, 2021 - 10:26PM

I'm a nurse who survived :)

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Maria Jones - 16 Nov, 2021 - 02:54PM

A lot of people seem to be looking for free personal training in this thread. Personally I would to be taught the things that make a man into the best sexual being he can possibly be.

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1488476 - 16 Nov, 2021 - 10:16AM

Iā€™d love to find a hiking partner. I have a fantasy of hiking to a remote place to have sex and then hiking back with the biggest smiles on our faces. Exercise and sex combined, followed by a relaxing evening together . My perfect day really

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1372703 - 07 Jan, 2021 - 11:43AM

I was lucky to spend some time with a lovely lady who had separated and lived in a smart mews in London. We were almost working colleagues so never any suspicion when seen together. We knew the rules and expectations and there was never any regrets in the morning. She even gave me a key sonthat I could wake her up, slowly. Even today and out time together was a long time ago, we bump into each other in the course of business and its quite funny to watch the young studs think they can catch her, we smile and go our separate ways.

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Lookingforfun81 - 07 Jan, 2021 - 09:37AM

I'd love to meet a woman who loves cycle touring and be able to share those experiences. In the meantime I have to make do with short trips with friends etc.

1412351 - 29 Dec, 2020 - 02:42PM

Iā€™d absolutely love to have an affair with someone who could be my friend, lover and running buddy!

Iā€™m a keen runner but would definitely have more motivation if I was able to stare at a lovely lady wearing Lycra! šŸ˜

Pinaplexx - 18 Dec, 2020 - 07:09AM

Change of work to be closer to my affair

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ClassyLady77 - 16 Dec, 2020 - 09:12PM

Cornforthewhiite.. Yes definitely mine too... šŸ˜‰

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