Ready to meet?
Hi, has anyone else arranged to meet now restrictions are easing? I had a picnic at the park Thursday afternoon and I was suprised just how good it was!
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Comments (175)
tea_coffee_me_ - 13 Jun, 2020 - 04:25PM
No, all the ones that claimed interested went quiet once a possibility of meeting started to become reality!
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1389672 - 13 Jun, 2020 - 03:39PM
I’ve had 2 Zoom dates since joining. They were really fun and safe.
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1332870 - 13 Jun, 2020 - 03:08PM
One is enough to be honest. Im at aching today 😂😂
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1329251 - 13 Jun, 2020 - 02:54PM
Aren't you allowed just one though and it has to remain that same one, or is that for home visits xx
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1352608 - 13 Jun, 2020 - 12:22PM
As long as weather stays dry it's very nice dont like green stains on my arse though tbh and I only mean sitting on the grass and nothing else!! 🤩🤩
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1328828 - 13 Jun, 2020 - 12:14PM
Does coffee in a car park count?!
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1363423 - 13 Jun, 2020 - 11:13AM
Picnic sounds sooooo good. A cheeky bottle, baguette, a few nibbles, gentle music and some gorgeous company. Doesn't get much better than that. Loads of picnic spots around Cambridge too...
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1367807 - 13 Jun, 2020 - 10:50AM
I've had numerous lovely walks in the woods with IEs recently, I drank some tea with one of them does that count as a picnic? 😆
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1386735 - 13 Jun, 2020 - 10:23AM
Wink wink, say no more
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1332870 - 13 Jun, 2020 - 10:14AM
I had a picnic last week and since it's 14 days since our corona tests, i spent all day in a hotel with my IE yesterday
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