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The 'go to' friend

Does anyone else have a 'go to' friend they always name drop when seeing their IE lol? My partner thinks Debra from accounting has become my best friend in the world now πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‡πŸ˜†

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Comments (76)

gemini2310 - 23 Jun, 2020 - 11:00PM

I would never break a confidence about a friend what I may know about them or see that's what I call true friendship men come and go good friends do not

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1332870 - 23 Jun, 2020 - 10:39PM

I have my gay best friend. I know too much about him for him to spill the beans on me.

Excuses, keep them simple and realistic otherwise you will get caught out.

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1332870 - 23 Jun, 2020 - 10:38PM

I hsvr

Pennylane70 - 23 Jun, 2020 - 10:10PM

My best idea I bought my hubby a golf club membership for Christmas one year ,that gave me some free weekends 😁

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BestThingsInLifeAreFree - 23 Jun, 2020 - 10:01PM

Hillwalking, kayaking messing about outdoors 😁...long hours away..Knowbody to rely on for a cover story! Just make sure you get your walking boots and coat wet (If its raining 🀭). Smuggle your going out clobber when it's dark!

1367807 - 23 Jun, 2020 - 08:30PM

I wouldn't want to involve someone else in my secrets, definitely risky, that's why I am claiming to be going for so many walks with my boss, my husband has no reason to ever meet her or speak to her so won't ever ask. I've actually been saying I'm going for walks with her since long before I was on IE, any time I fancied a walk by myself without my husband offering to come with me.

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1338297 - 23 Jun, 2020 - 08:07PM

Yeah! My friend Simon. πŸ‘–

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gemini2310 - 23 Jun, 2020 - 08:07PM

I would not involve anyone or get them to lie for me far too risky if you ever fall out they always have something on you it's us what are doing this we should not involve others

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1323413 - 23 Jun, 2020 - 07:52PM

That’s way too risky! If you have secret names in your phone or on your email then you will get caught eventually.

With here and Kik it’s easy to stick to them to be discreet.

If you want to be even more discreet then don’t use your default browser for the internet. Download something like Dolphin rather than using Safari.

Then ensure you delete it so no history trace.... I’m so bad.

But I do like the naughty secret side and someone on the same page 😈

Chezley - 23 Jun, 2020 - 06:45PM

No, I avoid making deliberate lies. It's something that could easily backfire when you least expect it. They are details that can be checked if needed. Id be concerned I became to careless about it.

Also Wifey deserves some respect. She's not stupid, she knows. It would spoil things.

I only offer basic details in the least questionable manner. But I have a daily round of activities that offer that kind of illusion. So its always true I would be doing that, only on occasion it means a detour via my ie.

I've heard of fellows plonkering themselves by letting the cat out of the bag, when getting careless.

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