Easier to meet?
Is everyone finding it easier to arrange meets now that the restrictions have lifted slightly?
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Comments (169)
1328172 - 17 Jul, 2020 - 06:38AM
Sskc181 - that's just awful I really hope you're ok x X
1398033 - 17 Jul, 2020 - 12:13AM
I’m not sure about everyone else but it’s tough. While restrictions are easing, we both work from home full time and kids are off school minimal chances of sneaking out with a valid excuse are next to none.
SSKC181 - 16 Jul, 2020 - 11:12PM
I went to meet my IE yesterday and it was my very first encounter! It should only have been a 40 minute drive but geographically wise the roads could not have been any further far apart - not easy at all. The one link road I needed to get there was closed.. no signs or notices anywhere beforehand and when I stopped to ask about alternate routes was told it was a 60 mile detour!!
I told my IE the situation and asked to wait.... I turned up an hour and half late and he wasn’t there! I text and he told me he had left as was fed up of being stood up by women on here 😫 I told him not to tarnish us all with the same brush and how I’d struggled with the road but he told me he’d travelled a lot further for women, he was arrogant - tbh he did me the favour by showing his true colours, lucky escape me thinks 🙂
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1346297 - 16 Jul, 2020 - 10:21PM
All hotels seem more booked up
1397808 - 16 Jul, 2020 - 06:12PM
I’m available......but no-one else is! Grrrr.......lol x
1398589 - 16 Jul, 2020 - 12:31PM
Think it’s making people pause , before they arrange something, I hope things improve, as I’m new here not sure if the trend is improving or not , personally it’s a weird situation, and to be honest it’s something I would look very closely and carefully at.
1330736 - 16 Jul, 2020 - 11:17AM
It’s still a bit tricky but hopefully soon all will be easier
yorkshire lass68 - 13 Jul, 2020 - 10:31PM
So excited about seeing my IE man again now lockdown has eased
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