Cardinal Rule
What is the top most cardinal rule in an affair? I think it's: Communication.
Transparency between partners guarantees a safe and happy affair.
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Comments (213)
Teresa di Vicenzo - 13 Jul, 2020 - 07:38PM
All of these things are important when conducting an affair :
Honesty : be honest with each other as much as you can, even if you lie to the one you live with.
Discretion : learn what is expected when you are that secret person in your lover’s life. eg, never phone without their ok
Communication : Text / Talk regularly. Do not ignore your lover. Ever.
Chemistry : Obviously you’ve got to fancy the arse off them
Respect : similar to discretion, but be mindful of their own personal life. Never intrude, never ask questions, never judge.
Easy Peasy.
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1393228 - 13 Jul, 2020 - 07:12PM
Without chemistry I don't think there's an affair, but if we're talking rules, then I'd say Honesty! Which I guess is what Communication is getting at. Everyone here wants something more, more or less, and being honest about what that means is utterly vital...
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509129 - 13 Jul, 2020 - 07:06PM
I am sure now things are relaxing you will have guys queueing up to take you out x
Beardandsandals - 13 Jul, 2020 - 06:49PM
We all like a clean and tidy abode. But ladies, don't be skivvying in the midst of a tryst.
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509129 - 13 Jul, 2020 - 06:47PM
My main rule always try get a lady to have one with you after that anything goes ...well nearly 😁
1350989 - 13 Jul, 2020 - 06:39PM
Should I ever manage to get to the stage off an affair, then it will be honesty and communication and to respect that they have their own life and my time with him will be a bonus.
1392377 - 13 Jul, 2020 - 06:32PM
Liltink - 13 Jul, 2020 - 04:07PM
There are no rules as such remember this is real life too.
There are definitely rules even as basic as how/when you contact .... no rules would end in carnage and upset
I think you misunderstood my comment I didn't say there were no rules!!!
Surely common sense would dictate that you have to respect your IE. like I said no games these are peoples lives we are all messing with with potential consequences if someone doesn't realise that then they shouldn't be entering into an affair.
What's acceptable for one IE may not be for the next we are all adults and should be communicating clearly as such. 😁
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A fish called wanda - 13 Jul, 2020 - 06:29PM
Respect and honesty, even though honesty seems a bit hypocritical, it’s important to be honest, up front and respectful with your IE other half.
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