Has not being able to meet during lockdown been good to help build a connection first?
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Comments (42)
gemini2310 - 17 Jul, 2020 - 03:40PM
Rose Bud how can anyone ask for exclusive from just chatting most are rather different when you meet them I find online people can say anything and how would we ever know who else they are saying the same too
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gemini2310 - 17 Jul, 2020 - 03:36PM
I do not think lockdown makes it easier to find the connection chatting for weeks or even months the only way I can tell is after a few meets with a guy chatting for ages is like having a pen friend it does get rather boring
1393321 - 17 Jul, 2020 - 03:14PM
The husband's secret, yes you are so right... On another topic in this forum, a lady was being asked to be exclusive just from chatting online, much better to meet and then decide...
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1242187 - 17 Jul, 2020 - 03:11PM
I think that lockdown makes it a lot tougher. (Obviously) Ultimately however good the messaging is. It’s the meet that makes or breaks it.
It’s good to make that connection first but the meet will make or break it.
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1393321 - 17 Jul, 2020 - 03:08PM
Hahaha, Suzanna Foxwell, lockdown has shone a light into the dark recesses of my mind too, and very fruity it has proven to be!!
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littleminx75 - 17 Jul, 2020 - 02:50PM
There is only so many texts you can send before it gets boring tbh ... physical connection is really important for me to connect with someone , I need that kiss, cuddle , eye contact and male contact I'm a soul looking for a sexual liaison .. lockdown doesn't help me O_o
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CroydonCentaur - 17 Jul, 2020 - 01:18PM
Although i never participated in lockdown or stopping encounters I think the more profiles you have browsed through, and filtered, and the more unusual or bizarre messages you have received from online sites the more practised you get at knowing very swiftly whether a conversation is ever going to become an Illicit Encounter le5 alone a connection,.
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Suzanna Foxwell - 17 Jul, 2020 - 01:03PM
i think the men have got fruitier during lockdown which i am personally in favour of as it gives you more insight into the dark recess of their minds.
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