Unconventional First Dates
I imagine we've all had to be a little more inventive with first
dates/meets due to the pandemic but I'm curious as to what your most
unconventional date has been; past or present.
Mine was taking someone ice climbing (pre pandemic) but I have been known
to meet someone in a supermarket late at night as they were coming off a
work shift.
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Comments (99)
buttery - 06 Aug, 2020 - 09:11AM
A kiddies petting farm was a good choice for a first meet, piglets and goats helped break the ice followed by homemade cake and coffee Luckily neither of us had allergies to furry friends.
1352755 - 05 Aug, 2020 - 02:02PM
Read my profile!
I’m asking ... can you have sex with a leg in pot🤣😂
MatureWorcsBBW - 05 Aug, 2020 - 12:13PM
Yes you can.
As long as he has a penis that's appropriately two and a half metres and 6 inches long.
That's how I understood the socially distancing rules.
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mickym100 - 05 Aug, 2020 - 10:52AM
Can you have a date in a facemask?
Can you have sex in a facemask!
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1358651 - 05 Aug, 2020 - 08:37AM
I agree ‘MatureWorcsBBW’!
Personally, I don’t chase men. I take my time but sometimes u get connected so quickly and feel safe with someone that u just have to follow ur instincts sometimes! I have surprised myself with this date...but not regretting it. Instead he wants to meet more often, even if it’s 10 minutes quick meet, just sitting down and may b just kiss?!
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MatureWorcsBBW - 05 Aug, 2020 - 12:11AM
How terribly old fashioned it is in 2020 for men to say that they so value the chase and if you give them what they want on the first date, they quickly loose interest.
If I waited for every man I've ever met to approach me first for sex, I'd be a 55 year old virgin most probably.
Women chase too you know.
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c.lacey.h - 04 Aug, 2020 - 11:05PM
I agree with some people on here...
Sometimes it just happens when the chemistry is so intense you suddenly don't care where you are. I love that 🖤
My most unconventional date was sitting in the car outside the pub we were supposed to be in!
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1387952 - 04 Aug, 2020 - 10:21PM
Lucky One 0001
Yeah, you do that! 😉
Lucky One 0001 - 04 Aug, 2020 - 10:11PM
OrientalAngel80 - 04 Aug, 2020 - 05:40PM
In support for those women that may feel judged for 'putting out' on a first date... I've done that a few times. I'm not opposed to sex on first meets, it all depends on the chemistry, situation and mood. Have done in cars, hotels, outdoors....
I'll also remember that.....😁😅 x
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