Unconventional First Dates
I imagine we've all had to be a little more inventive with first
dates/meets due to the pandemic but I'm curious as to what your most
unconventional date has been; past or present.
Mine was taking someone ice climbing (pre pandemic) but I have been known
to meet someone in a supermarket late at night as they were coming off a
work shift.
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Comments (99)
LilmissJ - 23 Jul, 2020 - 11:42PM
Only had one meeting/date, from reading this thread I’ve a lot to learn :)
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Lillib - 23 Jul, 2020 - 09:30PM
Do you want to tell us more?
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1117169 - 23 Jul, 2020 - 07:25PM
Most guys know almost instantaneously when they first they set eyes on their date if they find them attractive, and this does not depend on makeup or what they are wearing either as chemistry radiates from within. Truly beautiful women can't make themselves unattractive even if they tried.
Initial attraction fades if conversation is awkward though and although strong physical attraction may be enough to secure a second date or more or maybe even to progress as far as sex, which if it is good will keep it going for a while longer, its not enough to sustain it in the longer term.
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1117169 - 23 Jul, 2020 - 06:38PM
Grand gestures and fine dining experiences are not a substitute for chemistry. Sometimes just spending time together doing simple everyday things is enough. A chat over a coffee with a prepared reason to be on your way if it does not go well but with the free time and flexibility to stay longer or move on somewhere else if it does is almost always the best plan for a first meeting
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1352608 - 23 Jul, 2020 - 06:13PM
Summer belle
Poor you!! hope that was not a cost to you
Think first meet is coffee or lunch at the most so you can spend time talking seeing if there is a physical.attraction.
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Summerbelle - 23 Jul, 2020 - 06:03PM
A trip on Le Chunnel to Calais, shopping and dinner in a restaurant on the Port, back to the hotel for a nightcap before retiring to separate rooms. Drove back the next day and never saw each other again.
It was a lot of fun, but a heck of a long way to go to discover there was no chemistry between us LOL
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732384 - 23 Jul, 2020 - 05:11PM
I once was asked to come over to the barn the lady was converting, I ended up knocking a few walls down and fitting a new staircase.
It was fun and we got to know each other really well.
Cheap labour.
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ClassyLady77 - 23 Jul, 2020 - 04:03PM
Qetesh. I’ve gone that too.. 😉
They are fun,, but next time I’ll go with a lover. More fun
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1386735 - 23 Jul, 2020 - 03:40PM
Actually best date yet was a visit to a swingers club. Ended up liking the pole more than the date!
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1117169 - 23 Jul, 2020 - 03:24PM
@Plum Blonde
To be honest neither have I, though I have been to the catacombs and no bones about it 😁
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