Working From Home
Alot of us are working at home alongside our spouses, how do you explain your sudden absence? Surely suspicions will be raised ..??!!
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Comments (106)
Funseeker997 - 30 Jul, 2020 - 11:39PM
Well I can believe it! All my life I have known couples who do everything together, go everywhere together 24/7 and in the process strangle each other to death.
Then one of them thinks “I will join IE” and unfortunately that type of person makes a crap lover.
I will now put a tin hat and flak jacket on and climb into this hole 😂
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1327360 - 30 Jul, 2020 - 07:05PM
I guess having an affair (when your partner cares, I say cares because some partners don't give a s#!+ about what the other does they are over it) is like having another full time job!
Tough life.
1327360 - 30 Jul, 2020 - 07:01PM
@Marknobody job interview? Really? You already have a job and WFH.
I'm keeping an eye on this, great topic.
Please do share those with spouses and WFH, how do you do it?
1117169 - 30 Jul, 2020 - 06:36PM
Free time and freedom can be in very short supply for many in relationships even in " Normal" times because of the constraints of work , (Unless you are the boss or work away a lot) domestic routine, family responsibilities and your regular social life.
Everyone should do a realistic" Free time and freedom audit" right from the start. If you are looking for something more meaningful and sustainable, ask yourself whether it can actually work. You may be surprised how little leeway you have.
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1386735 - 30 Jul, 2020 - 02:40PM
I can’t believe how many people on here do not have a in have their own life where they can go off and do things and not have to explain yourself!!
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ExoticOrchid - 30 Jul, 2020 - 01:39PM
Once again, how about "hiding in plain sight" ... openly say you need a few hours to yourself after being cooped up at home for so long ... or be really cheeky and say you're going off to meet your secret lover ... more than likely your spouse/partner will say yeah right, go on then!
So glad to be single, haha.
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1213588 - 30 Jul, 2020 - 01:10PM
The go to is work and Also, ‚car needs service‘ and ‚job interview’ are good ones that can explain much wandering around in seemingly random places with strange people
Generally.... maintain plausible deniability is the catch phrase for me :D it’s mostly about preparation and a bit of forward planning
Mark x
Suziwho - 30 Jul, 2020 - 12:12PM
Tell him you urgently need "womens" items from the supermarket and ask if he wants to help you purchase them? will soon fi d he has other urgent things to do....viola.....instant few hours escape for you....xxxx
1365199 - 30 Jul, 2020 - 11:32AM
Now that lockdown is easing surely a coffee or walk in the park would not seem unusual. My partner in crime gets out for a few days now, we go camping.
All about timing and courage lol
1149769 - 30 Jul, 2020 - 10:17AM
You have to plan ahead. I have a weekly day off when I "go walking with friends". My wife is not interested and there's no way she can check up on me.
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