If you could have an affair with...
If you could have an affair with anyone - dead, alive or fictional, who would it be? 😉
I'd choose Cleopatra...
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Comments (178)
1412422 - 09 Oct, 2020 - 03:11PM
Dead - Marilyn Monroe
Alive - Salma Hayek
Fictional - Women of this website
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Roger1999 - 07 Oct, 2020 - 02:56PM
Sorry but next door is just tooooo close for comfort.
I do have a friend in the USA whose first affair was a neighbour. I dont know how she managed it 😱
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Needarealwoman - 07 Oct, 2020 - 12:39PM
I would rather have a woman next door.
I mean I don't want anything special. Just a normal woman.
These days everyone wants to be something else or looking something above normal.
1412003 - 07 Oct, 2020 - 12:17AM
Fictional? Uma Thurrman as "The Bride" in "Kill Bill". We'd never get mugged.
Alive? Nicola Sturgeon. I'm a huge Crankies fan.
Dead? Grace Kelly circa 1960. Perfection.
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Roger1999 - 06 Oct, 2020 - 03:42PM
Carol Smillie 😍
Lucy Verasamy 😍😍
Lucrezia Millarini 😍😍😍
Mary Nightingale 😍😍😍
Sophie Rayworth 😍😍😍😍
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Bereweeke - 05 Oct, 2020 - 06:31AM
Gregory Peck . Liam Neeson. Maxim de Winter (Rebecca).
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1341862 - 03 Oct, 2020 - 09:24PM
Patrick Swayze
Richard Gere
Mr Grey...50 Shades 😉
dm1969 - 03 Oct, 2020 - 11:50AM
Charlize Theron
Jennifer Lawrence
Helen Mirren
All very sexy and intelligent I think.
1396313 - 03 Oct, 2020 - 12:13AM
Dead- I know he was gay but Rock Hudson. What a classic sexy man.
Alive - Colin Firth- Sexy as hell.
Fictional - Edward from twilight. Yeah the vampire. Hot!!
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