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If you could have an affair with...

If you could have an affair with anyone dead, alive or fictional, who would it be? 😉
I'd choose Cleopatra... 

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Comments (178)

1449716 - 22 Apr, 2021 - 11:09AM

Pip, what did Gillian Anderson get caught doing ?

1447499 - 22 Apr, 2021 - 10:00AM

Based purely on hypothesis and dipping my toes into the realms of fantasy.....

Alive: Scarlett Johansson - because.... Well, come on!!!
Dead: Margaux Hemmingway - no real reason other than a strikingly pretty face...
Fictional: Dana Scully - even under all the showbiz hype, you still know its Gillian Anderson and can remember what she got caught doing!!!

1449137 - 20 Apr, 2021 - 10:51AM

Having an affair with someone dead is hard work. Digging them up, dusting them down, even the converstaions typically are one sided. Im not sure anyone would enjoy it and dont get me started on the sex...

As for alive, Jacinda Ardern just for being a cool person which makes her attractive to me. She more than deserves a solid night of pleasure.

As for fictional, The greek goddess Nyx. I mean... who wouldn't?

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PrettyPoole1 - 18 Apr, 2021 - 05:31PM

I would definitely choose Gordon Brown, the voice does it for me! Omg Gordon I love you ...

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ExoticOrchid - 18 Apr, 2021 - 04:07PM

MatureWorcsBBW - 02:59PM

Now that made me laugh ... rumour is that Mr Jackman does qualify ... ouch! 😳

Oh BTW ... surely David Cassidy is not dead??? My teenage crush ... 😍

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MatureWorcsBBW - 18 Apr, 2021 - 02:59PM


I went to see the Bridget Jones movie with my best friend.
The cinema was full of several hundred people.

She pipes up as the intro started "I really love Huge Grant and Colin Firm".

I can't use their actual names nowadays.
It was so funny.

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Naughty-Married-Lady - 15 Apr, 2021 - 09:46AM

Gotta be Johnny Depp!

MatureWorcsBBW - 14 Apr, 2021 - 11:27AM

Dead - Boudicca, I'm bisexual.
Alive - Dawn French.

Dead - David Cassidy
Alive Idris Elba

ExoticOrchid - 13 Apr, 2021 - 12:06PM

I would quite fancy Hugh Jackman.

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1448003 - 11 Apr, 2021 - 08:15AM

Calum Best....I can only dream!

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