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How do you know?

I am iffing and umming about taking the plunge and having an affair. I've met someone I really like, and now we want to take it to the next level. How can I be sure this is the right thing for me... I've never done anything like this before.

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Comments (223)

1372703 - 10 Nov, 2020 - 01:37PM

Do you know I was thinking the same thing this morning? All through my life I have had missed chances, The girl who invited me back for coffee when I worked away from home, specifically telling me her children wherewith an aunt. Or the woman who wanted a hug after closing time at a bar in Manchester, my hotel was next door, but she went off alone. there have been many other, different towns different cities. Don't let a chance slip you by, embrace it then if it's not right, leave but you will never know .

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Jake Jekyll - 09 Nov, 2020 - 10:29PM

If you get the chance, it interests your preferences and you feel sure its safe, then take it while you can.
But tell a confidential friend first or leave a clue (just in case you can't swim).

Queen777 - 09 Nov, 2020 - 09:38PM

YOLO...... take the plunge and don't look back xx

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lets meet 3 - 09 Nov, 2020 - 08:42PM

Go for it

1421094 - 09 Nov, 2020 - 04:00PM

Mentally and emotionally you’re certainly half way there.
The fact you’ve come this far means there are things you need that you’re marriage doesn’t give you.
I’d say just do it... but then again I would. 😉
(Hardly unbiased advice on here 😉)

1420726 - 09 Nov, 2020 - 03:07PM

Hi there..really going through the moral rollercoaster on this one. The fact that we are all on here means there is something missing from each of our current relationships. For me I am generally such a happy person who gives so much to a partnership, practically and emotionally. I love life and all it has to offer and have so much energy..
I have a wife who is generally good hearted but is so down on everything about life, from job, to the house, to problems with friends/family. As she gets further down she reflects that unhappiness back on us causing arguments ..Is it wrong for me to think I deserve different?

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1419172 - 09 Nov, 2020 - 02:48PM

I think we’re all here for the same reason. None of us take this decision lightly, but we sometimes reach the point in our lives where we have to take some control for our own well-being. I don’t think it should be just about sex. I think a connection of minds is important, too.

Samsutton - 08 Nov, 2020 - 10:28PM

I don't think you can ever be sure but you've joined here for a reason and met someone you like so sounds like you have been lucky

RumplesBear - 08 Nov, 2020 - 07:31PM


It's general entertaining chitter chatter most the time.

With the odd massive effort by Mike93849e9 (or whatever) asking if any ladies in Liverpool are up for fun.

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Rubins - 08 Nov, 2020 - 05:16PM

Give it a try, just make it as you want it, mainly good sex, do not get too emotional, enjoy.

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