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How do you know?

I am iffing and umming about taking the plunge and having an affair. I've met someone I really like, and now we want to take it to the next level. How can I be sure this is the right thing for me... I've never done anything like this before.

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Comments (223)

Parttimebf - 30 Oct, 2023 - 01:55PM

Answer why you want an affair first?
Some need someone to pull them out of marriage
Some want to know they still got it.
If you don't want to leave marriage then u need to be very careful not to get too emotionally involved .. or be caught and the other person needs to be able to respect that.

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marklondonengland - 30 Oct, 2023 - 01:52PM

Ideally, you fix your relationship first. If that's not possible then you may consider ending the relationship. If that's unthinkable (kids, home etc) then maybe an affair can help you to enjoy life a little more without affecting your home life, but it's not guaranteed. You need to meet the right person with similar intentions and be prepared to stop if it is no longer giving you what you need or it becomes too risky. Also, consider the consequences of it becoming known by your partner. If you are careful then if can be a little extra spice in life and can work, but take care that you have shared intentions as this isn't like normal dating.

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BestThingsInLifeAreFree - 30 Oct, 2023 - 12:09PM

I think we are here as we are missing something in our relationships. Probably emotional or physical in nature or both.
Those seeking physical satisfaction only, may find themselves with deep emotional attraction also. Adding friendship means that your existing relationship may disintegrate - something which you may not have wanted at the start. This ultimately may be the best outcome for all concerned.
Of course there are the players, chatters, weirdos and sexters to contend with. If you've found someone, you will eliminate most of these issues. This place may be a temporary fix though. Remember "Big boys games, big boys rules"...Think worst case scenario...Hope you find your happiness 🙏

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DefinitelyMightBe - 30 Oct, 2023 - 10:23AM

Life is short, so if you are at the point where you think you want to try it, then try it. If it’s not for you then you’ll soon know but at least you won’t have any regrets. That goes for anything in life, not just a potential affair.

Runner6969 - 30 Oct, 2023 - 09:29AM

If it feel right, do it, I guess. As long as you are comfortable with the consequences, or better, worked out how to avoid there being any consequences.

Paula99 - 25 Jul, 2022 - 10:04PM

What if you have tried everything to resolve your marriage issues?
Councilor...doctor... friends...Wikipedia..other info..?

1431267 - 18 Jan, 2021 - 10:14PM

If you’re thinking about it then there is something not right in your relationship. Better to resolve that one way or another then have the affair! X

Cawhsi - 18 Jan, 2021 - 09:04PM

For me it was how I felt one on one with that person. I had butterflies and couldn’t think of anyone or anything apart from him. That’s how I knew.

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WaveyDavey1956 - 17 Jan, 2021 - 10:32PM

In a similar situation. I met a lady at my gym, real attraction both ways, but I resisted. Now I don't know how to contact her in lockdown. I'm really ready for an affair, as that missed opportunity with this lockdown has made me realise , life is too short.

1350599 - 14 Jan, 2021 - 11:29PM

It really depends, an dwith most human interactions, the ability to hear/see somebody, do add a level of intimacy that is hard to equate by other means.
Perhaps you've been through those stages already, i.e. safe IM, anonymous video conference etc ...

.. and if you have and things are appealing to yourself, just follow what you desire. You will never know till you have taken the next step, provided you have been the above already.

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