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IE has made me a lot more body positive

The lack of intimacy and affection at home made me begin to believe that I was no longer attractive - how very wrong I was. It has been life changing reclaiming my sexual sovereignty and the power and energy that comes with it. Can anyone else relate?

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Comments (90)

1396850 - 26 Oct, 2020 - 10:57PM

Its nice to be made to feel attractive when you aren't at home

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gemini2310 - 25 Oct, 2020 - 12:22AM

tea coffee me

I work 50-60 hours most week I am too tired to have sex with my husband that's because I have lost the spark for him I was never to tired for my IE and I will never be to tired for the next one IE if and when I find him this happens alot and pple just give excuses to not have sex with someone they live with I know

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tea_coffee_me_ - 24 Oct, 2020 - 10:02PM

I was categorically told I was the problem ... in MANY different ways.

Joining IE helped me throw that out of the window. Some wonderful and amazing men have helped me in so many ways.

" Helpme57 - 21 Oct, 2020 - 01:39PM
Like most I'm in a loving relationship, but I struggle with how our sex life is , she works very hard but then falls asleep... she's so tired ."
I am NOT saying it is how you behave, one of the reasons I was tired was my ex would do NOTHING to help or reduce the work load.
Expected me to do everything morning, day and though the night and not be tired.

If you do your share fair enough ... if not ... some thing to consider?

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Mrdiscreet78 - 23 Oct, 2020 - 11:12PM


I thought you looked sexy and very funny. If you gave me the chance, I would have enjoyed you as a mistress!

1386735 - 23 Oct, 2020 - 09:43PM


Maybe be a bit more discreet....

gemini2310 - 23 Oct, 2020 - 09:21PM


Well you must think it's worth the risk or why be on here and you do say you love you wife only you can decide what you do

Hopingtofind177 - 23 Oct, 2020 - 08:26PM

I know I'm attractive but years of wife not desiring sex has knocked my confidence. Trouble is I do love her and by having an affair you have to lie all the time which I hate doing. Also I had a stalker from a similar site ..she stalked me for years getting into my phone account and ringing my friends. Worth the risk?

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1386735 - 23 Oct, 2020 - 07:24PM

I’ve met various guys in here and other website and I really don’t understand what they see in me. I used to ooze confidence but as I get older and bigger due to that M word, my confidence is definitely dipping.
Do men really enjoy the company of a not so slim, ok looking woman as a mistress?
Answers on a postcard

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1382355 - 23 Oct, 2020 - 09:54AM

Definitely life changing. I am more confident and dress differently now. I love me again

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1417050 - 22 Oct, 2020 - 10:33PM

I had accidental affair last year for 6 months and never so alive in my life! I felt desire, intimacy and it was just amazing. It made me confident and kept me in shape. When it ended I was gutted but felt it was time. Now however I’m back to feeling lonely, undesired and that something is missing. I’m new to this and too afraid to open up in case I get caught by messaging someone I know lol

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