A polite no?
So as I’m here looking for an IE lots of people spring up that I’m not physically attracted too, how do you let that person down without sounding horrible and blunt?
I’m a nice person and I find telling people you’re not my type really offensive so I end up ghosting them which is also bad but how else can I say it?
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Comments (221)
ExoticOrchid - 15 Feb, 2021 - 02:09PM
Sigmaguy - 01:49PM
I take your point but the same could be said for very ordinary men who are looking for supermodels.
Realism is fine but it still doesn't mean one has to settle for those one feels absolutely no attraction to. 🤷🏻♀️
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Sigmaguy - 15 Feb, 2021 - 01:49PM
Exotic Orchid - that’s not what I meant.
What I mean is..: if you say you want a guy over 6ft and ignore all the other guys under 6ft then you are seriously reducing your chances of finding someone... be realistic that’s all I’m saying.
So no point being overweight and expecting a toned stud... ain’t happening. Be who you want to attract. And don’t forget, the better you are, the higher your standards, the harder it will get for you.
Just stating facts.
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ExoticOrchid - 15 Feb, 2021 - 01:21PM
Sigmaguy - 15 Feb, 2021 - 09:19AM
"If you are aiming at perfection, then you need to be perfect too, so take a good look at yourself and ask yourself’ am I the person that the good looking (nice) guy/gal will be attracted to."
Just because you are not attracted to someone doesn't mean you are "aiming at perfection" ... !!!
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ExoticOrchid - 15 Feb, 2021 - 01:16PM
"I’m a nice person and I find telling people you’re not my type really offensive so I end up ghosting them which is also bad but how else can I say it?"
I'm sorry but a "nice person" doesn't ghost people ... it's not difficult to say "thank you but you're not what I'm looking for" ... if they then come back with more, then you have every right to block them or even report them if they turn offensive.
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1434661 - 15 Feb, 2021 - 11:51AM
I tend to not care about the photos, women have become expert at mobile phone trickery to create slimmer images through angles etc and are effective at catfishing men.
Men tend not to hence why they end up with photos of themselves with family members cropped out or a terrible unflattering mug shot style photo. I see it a lot.
I try to look beyond the photo and provide tips on how to better portray themselves. If women keep using the block button and disappearing then how are men new to this supposed to get any better at it?
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1429015 - 15 Feb, 2021 - 10:17AM
I find it rude when I give my password the I get blocked without a word, but would I want to know this type of person anyway?
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Paul 07914 - 15 Feb, 2021 - 10:00AM
Just be polite and say so sorry I don’t think your for me ,good luck,unfortunately there are times when being honest is the best way,saves them wasting their time as well as yours
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Sigmaguy - 15 Feb, 2021 - 09:19AM
Hmm, honestly...Don’t waste your time trying to be ‘nice’ ignite them and move on. You’ll waste less time on the people you don’t want and more on the ones you want.
There is a caveat however. If you are aiming at perfection, then you need to be perfect too, so take a good look at yourself and ask yourself’ am I the person that the good looking (nice) guy/gal will be attracted to. Being nice isn’t enough.
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Tease Me! - 15 Feb, 2021 - 09:15AM
I always try and put myself in the other persons shoes and I think a short message back just to say "Thank you but not quite my type" is much nicer than taking the easy option of just ghosting someone, after all this is supposed to be a site for adults so we should all be able to both give and receive!
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John_Herc - 15 Feb, 2021 - 09:00AM
Truth is always the best, together with the empathy you clearly have. How about 'Sorry I dont think you are my type. But I hope you find what you are looking for'
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