How to suppress the excitement?
I've met someone and we're a great match. We've been sneaking off to see each other and getting a buzz from the adrenaline. My question is, how do you suppress the excitement when you're at home? I get butterflies just from a text message and I'm walking around like a grinning idiot half the time. How do you tone down the glow up?
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Comments (117)
1434661 - 15 Mar, 2021 - 01:47PM
Likeableguy - 15 Mar, 2021 - 10:58AM
I think you misunderstood.
I know it's hormones that causes the emotions but I'm saying as a woman I use 'hormones' as a catch all reason to my husband for any mood changes whether they be positive or negative.
If I was a man I'd use work as an reason for mood changes.
1421217 - 15 Mar, 2021 - 12:57PM
Imagine your partners reaction , if you get caught , should dampen your excitement round the house 🤣
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Caroline Red - 15 Mar, 2021 - 12:13PM
direct it towards your partner they'll think their ship came in. at first anyway then they'll start checking your phone which is why you need a secret payg one
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Likeableguy - 15 Mar, 2021 - 10:58AM
I'd agree with Mary initially your hormones are all over the place but a little self love does calm the situation down for a while until the anticipation of meeting builds again.
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1434661 - 15 Mar, 2021 - 10:34AM
I attribute to hormones. I know it's terrible but it covers a multitude of emotions; the highs and lows. Generally speaking I hide it well and it only manifests itself as an increased sex drive which hubby doesn't complain about.
I'm with ExoticOrchid, plausible reason like a successful project would be best excuse if I was a man.
ExoticOrchid - 15 Mar, 2021 - 09:17AM
Try and find a plausible reason ... new gadget, successful project, whatever ...
1424218 - 15 Mar, 2021 - 08:58AM
You just do...if you can you spread a little of that love onto your probably won't go amiss.
And if it's really bubbling you find a quiet spot and indulge in a little self love...tends to ease the frustrations x
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