Hair Colour
Why is it that men put their hair colour as brown, grey, blonde etc....but when you see their pic they're bald, or practically bald? I do think that's false advertising and grossly misleading.
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Comments (97)
1554570 - 17 Apr, 2023 - 05:14PM
Quixotic - Yep, (some) women might say blonde, on the profile or in the pics but might be a different colour if / when you meet,, that’s would certainly be false advertising and grossly misleading
1447655 - 17 Apr, 2023 - 04:49PM
Maybe it gives an idea of colouring though. As in: dark and swathy tends to go with brown or black hair and fair or freckled with blonde or red hair? Speaking as a freckly brunette, it isn't trustworthy, but there you go.
Maybe it's not possible to leave that area blank on the system? And maybe it's just that people have a fixed idea of themselves from their prime and its hard to revaluate the ravages of age.
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1582640 - 17 Apr, 2023 - 04:48PM
I’m not bald but thinned-out, but it would grow like Chewbackas if I let it go.
Delicious Chaos - 17 Apr, 2023 - 04:26PM
Just slightly off topic but had to mention because of the Jason Statham comment, when men say they look like a famous actor/celeb etc
This has happened to me twice before and I’ll be honest, they don’t even look like a very ugly version of the famous person they have mentioned.
I really don’t know what possesses people to say the things that come out of their mouths!
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Delicious Chaos - 17 Apr, 2023 - 04:19PM
Really? Since when is this a thing? I never look at hair colour
Who cares!
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FluffyClouds - 17 Apr, 2023 - 01:01PM
Quixotic -
Women do dye their hair, but they do say what colour it is, so the picture you see is that colour though isn't it?
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1594063 - 17 Apr, 2023 - 12:59PM
I am very proud to be a silver fox. There isn't much of it because I like to have it shaved short but I look good, it get the attention of the ladies and quite frankly some of the men too.
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FluffyClouds - 17 Apr, 2023 - 12:53PM
P99 -
But do they look like Jason Statham? 😂
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Paula99 - 17 Apr, 2023 - 12:28PM
Bald isn’t that bad really ..if you like the Jason Statham look …plus he isn’t 6 ft …👍
I wouldn’t say no 😉
Women colour their hair that false advertising?
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Spike001 - 17 Apr, 2023 - 12:11PM
Is this the male version of curvaceous?
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