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When should you end it?

So, you have been seeing your perfect affair partner for a few months and then you notice that what was once a steamy affair with both parties being really into it, is now just like your relationship with your OH with you trying your best to keep them interested and constantly wondering if you are actually ‘one of many’ after-all.

Yes, they show up for their ‘once per week’ as promised, but whereas before they would stay a while, they are out the door straight away due to ‘work commitments’!

Is now the time to part ways? This is exactly what is missing, necessitating the need for an affair in the first place!

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Comments (241)

1529050 - 09 Aug, 2023 - 12:13PM

TheBoredHousewife - 08 Aug, 2023 - 02:17PM

Totally happened to me with Number 1.... was not a level playing field so just didn't work. But I do understand how some make it work - just not for me - but I would not be disparaging about any single person on here - they have their reasons.

ExoticOrchid - 08 Aug, 2023 - 12:27PM
One of the ladies of whom I speak - just happy being single with a little lust and passion on the side, without the hassle of a full time relationship. It just works for some xxx

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Legs&Eyes - 08 Aug, 2023 - 10:18PM

AdorableOne - 08 Aug, 2023 - 04:46PM

You did, very much. And I hold many conversations and trust me - lots of my contacts enjoy those conversations very, very much....

I sit here reading the forum week after week - some things I disagree with, lots of things I hugely and totally agree with - but I stay quiet, I rarely comment on anything..

But very occasionally something 'gets my goat', as my dear nan used to say.... Today, you were that thing.

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AdorableOne - 08 Aug, 2023 - 04:46PM

Glad I made you laugh. Shame you can't hold a conversation without repeatedly trying to turn it into a one-upmanship contest. I never implied you didn't do well on here either

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Funguy77 - 08 Aug, 2023 - 04:15PM

I have laughed so hard pee came out 😂

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Legs&Eyes - 08 Aug, 2023 - 03:46PM

Apologies everyone...

I'm going back into the corner to play with my soft toys, as I've sharpened my gels in here enough now today....

Happy Tuesday all!

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Legs&Eyes - 08 Aug, 2023 - 03:37PM

AdorableOne - 08 Aug, 2023 - 12:28PM

You are hilarious. It's pretty clear to many of us here exactly what you meant and in the tone you meant it.

And as for 'high earners dating', done it.
But I worked in the south at the time. And I do well on here thanks.. so hence I'm happy here - plus I LOVE this forum as it repeatedly reminds me of the types that I'm happy to stay well clear of. So don't worry - I'll not be getting in your way.. After all, as you say, lots of lovely married ladies out there for you, us singles will go where we are wanted!

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Delicious Chaos - 08 Aug, 2023 - 03:29PM

Oh how this has made me chuckle. Married, single, separated, there’s plenty of loons in here regardless of their marital status

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Funguy77 - 08 Aug, 2023 - 02:35PM

Bob the Mailman

A couple of guys are at the bar. First guy says to his buddy, "My wife just admitted to me that she's been having an affair with Bob the mailman."

"What?" says his buddy. "That fat ugly f@@er I see every morning outside your house?"

"That's right," says the first guy.

"Jesus," says his buddy. "Why would Bob the mailman want to f@@k that?"

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Funguy77 - 08 Aug, 2023 - 02:19PM

Who needs the tv when there’s this gold happening on IE
Have a chuckle at the inspiration you have given me

In the curious town of IE, lived the sage Oscar, dishing quirky dating advice. He warned against single women, fearing pranks and penguins. Alex dared to date Lily, a part-time magician, turning life into a sideshow.

Mark, the joker, believed single women craved "finger-snapping" subservience. A prank unfolded, with Lily's help. Alex sprinted at Lily's snap, leaving IE in stitches.

As IE chuckled, Oscar's wisdom prevailed: "Embrace the fun, my friends, in the unpredictable realm of love!"

Pink Eiga - 08 Aug, 2023 - 02:17PM

ExoticOrchid - 08 Aug, 2023 - 12:27PM

And Admin also didn’t approve my post about married people might become single over the course of an IE relationship, making matters more complicated than going with a singleton! 😜

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