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Should I feel guilty?

"Help IE! I'm worried the kid's school might be closed this week because of this news about concrete collapsing and having to homeschool again. Schools in Essex are affected but I don't know for sure yet. I know this might sound terrible, but in the past few weeks I have been planning to meet a lover I met online as soon as I dropped the kids off.

It's not the first time I have had an affair, but I had been planning it for when the kids go back as I have more time to myself. It's my little secret and I've been building up and so excited for this to happen and now it might be over. Now I don't know what to do, what do I say to my lover? I feel guilt for him and for the kids. I need advice.

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Comments (68)

Paula99 - 04 Sep, 2023 - 01:43PM

Is this for real or what ?

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Sandypops - 04 Sep, 2023 - 01:16PM

Kids come first ALWAYS

If your lover is worth it, he'll understand and wait.

Could you do an evening meet when your OH is home.

Or do you have a school friend your kids could go to for a few hours over lunch or after school hours maybe and you return the favour another day depending on the age of the children?

If not, enjoy the anticipation of delaying the meet. And get the toys and video out 😉

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1620969 - 04 Sep, 2023 - 12:17PM

I wouldn't feel guilty and agree with others that the kids come first. I would expect that if the shool ois affected you would have heard by now and will know what arrangements need to be made. I had a brief affair about 8 years ago and my friend was having issues with her kid at school so kept her phone on when she got round to mine. We had a few hours fun before she had to take a call from the school, sitting naked on her clothes on my bedroom floor. We laughed about what their reaction might have been but obviously once she's spoken to them then we stopped our meet and she left. We eventually ran out of suitable meeting times as she began home schooling. Happy times though.
Hope it works out for you.

ExoticOrchid - 04 Sep, 2023 - 10:29AM

" Now I don't know what to do, what do I say to my lover? "

Err you tell him the truth IF it turns out that your kids' school is affected ... he has surely heard about the school closures already unless he's been living in a tent in outer Mongolia so he knows it's a genuine reason and not an excuse!

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enjoy123 - 04 Sep, 2023 - 10:23AM

kids always come first. get sexy with your lover on the phone when you have the chance.

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1529050 - 04 Sep, 2023 - 09:21AM

Two things...

As has been said below - if he his keen he will wait things happen.

Your guilt.... why do you feel guilty ? Obv I would say Kids and family should always come first.

Don't feel guilty about your lover he will wait if it is meant to be.

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1408586 - 04 Sep, 2023 - 09:12AM

Why would it be over? If the school isn’t opening you’d already know about it I’m sure!

Worst case you have to postpone meeting your lover for a few weeks- frustrating (in all senses of the word!!) but real life comes first.

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TJJ89_fun - 04 Sep, 2023 - 08:55AM

Try not to feel guilty. Go with what your gut tells you and just remember that it’s real life, these kind of things happen. If your lover is worth it then they’ll completely understand whatever you decide :)

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