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21st century dating

In the 21st century does a persons ethnicity, race, religion or skin colour play an important role in deciding if he/she could be your possible IE partner?

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Comments (56)

IN_JAIL_OUT_S00N - 03 Jan, 2025 - 09:30PM

As an Asian man who also has a White friend on here, it absolutely does.

Women are significantly more likely to reach out to him than to me.

Mar1963 - 10 Dec, 2024 - 06:35PM

For many people yes, for the more discerning, no

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Clickable Connection - 09 Dec, 2024 - 07:34PM

Sandokan - if I understand correctly, are you saying race , ethnic background is important when making decision if someone is a good match ?

If so , seems contradictory to your profile, when you say you don't have any preference

merchant12 - 09 Dec, 2024 - 04:53PM

I'd say no to any of the above. However, I'd avoid anyone who says 'no Tories '. I find the 'nice' people not to be so nice

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Sandokan1900 - 09 Dec, 2024 - 04:43PM

Yes it does to me.

Three Little Words - 09 Dec, 2024 - 02:58PM

To me, it doesn’t matter what race someone is or what their cultural/religious background is. To me, it’s who the person is and not what they are that’s important.

Paula99 - 08 Dec, 2024 - 07:27PM

There are pros and cons with this …it shouldn’t really matter with the above 👆 scenario ….BUT
In some cultures, discussions about sex are considered taboo, leading to a lack of sexual education and awareness ….This can contribute to misinformation, stigma, and negative attitudes toward sexual health….In a nutshell this does have an effect on whether you choose a guy/woman from another race/culture as the lack of experience determines whether he/she is invested…

Certain ethnicities shall we say …are packing a whole lot more in their pants than others which is a major factor for some ‘ladies’..😁

This is quite a sensitive question …I hope I have approached it in the correct context with a little Paula humour..

Life is a beach - 07 Dec, 2024 - 09:13PM

I have been lucky enough to travel internationally a lot work and pleasure.
I have also been lucky enough to work with different cultures. It has opened my eyes to great things and has made me understand people much more beyond colour
To be honest, I don't see any religious fundamentalists on this site. That's the only thing I would steer clear of. I don't think religion matters unless it's a cult.
I first see the person I am chatting with. Are they someone I would enjoy spending time with? Secondly, are they physically attractive?
Colour to me doesn't matter.
There could be a few of you that wouldn't go near someone because of their colour and ethnicity. Your loss as you could be missing the chance of meeting a wonderful person and lover because of your ignorance.

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Goldfinger666 - 07 Dec, 2024 - 02:44PM

For some it does, but it seems to be on the decline. I had a memorable experience on here years ago.
Was chatting with a lady and getting n great. Had even exchanged photos. Were in the process off arranging our first meet, when something in our conversation asked her to question my ethnicity.
When I told her, she said sorry she couldn't meet. When I asked couldn't she tell from my photos that I was of mixed heritage , she said no.
Funny thing is she claimed her decision had nothing to do with the race angle..

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Doubleohseven - 07 Dec, 2024 - 12:28PM

You are exclusively interested in, say, sex with a restrained hairy grandma while a goat is licking your right nipple? You are kinky, adventurous, broad-minded, to be celebrated!
You are exclusively interested in, say, South Korean women because they are feminine and elegant? Narrow minded bigot, how do you dare.

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