When should I declare a disability?
When joining IE there are opportunities to declare your age, religion, sex , ethnicity and sexuality but nothing about disability. Now I support the Social Model of Disability - put simply , it is the barriers in society that disable people with impairments, not the impairment itself.
Declaring a disability is a bit of a minefield on IE . Declaring too early and you crash and burn. Don't declare at all and you might be giving a completely wrong impression about who you are.
So should I included a nuanced mention to being a disabled person in my profile or not? I would love to chat with ladies who are in the same situation but how on earth can we identify each other here when it is so difficult to declare?
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Comments (29)
paulmidcheshire - 23 Jan, 2025 - 07:56AM
Many years ago on a long defunct adult dating site, I was chatting to a nice girl, who was then in her mid-20s. When we had chatted for several days, she asked to swap face head photos, and she sent hers first, which matched the small one on her profile, and I sent her mine back. Her reply was something along the lines of "oh you have hearing aids, not sure I'm into chatting with a guy with them". Taken back. Yes I very well was. But ever the polite man I had grown up to be, I replied and said yes and gave her a brief idea of why I have to wear them. Suffice to say my reply was read and ignored. So from that point onwards I made a point of making sure any public profile photos cleared showed at least one of the hearing aids. If I got a question, then I would reply telling the person. So I believe it is good to talk about a disability or impairment, whether it is visible or not.
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Enigma.. - 06 Jan, 2025 - 08:55AM
Part two…
When you find yourself in a very awkward and uncomfortable situation you just want to get out as soon as possible.
It’s better being honest about your condition rather than trying to hide it.
Just my opinion 🤷🏼♀️🫤
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Enigma.. - 06 Jan, 2025 - 08:39AM
I know this is a sensitive subject but after a disastrous date beginning of November last year…
I think it’s only fair to tell your “potential” Ie if you have a disability sooner rather than later.
Some disabilities can be seen and others cannot… such as mental health issues.
Unfortunately the date in November did not got well because, it became very clear to me as the date went on, he had some form of memory issues.
Calling me another woman’s name, recalling a date we had the year before which wasn’t a date with me… and I’ll leave it there.
And that’s not even 10% of what happened.
I ended up making up an excuse and couldn’t get out of the situation quick enough.
I’ve since found out two other women had similar experiences with the same man and those experiences were like mine… leaving as soon as they could.
I can understand that everyone is different and we will all go through “issues” in our lives but…
When you find yourself in an awkward and very uncomfortable si
giggly hamster - 04 Jan, 2025 - 02:08PM
In a word yes.
You owe it to the person who shows interest in you to know that from the off in order to avoid any embarrassment or surprises.
If the site did say a meet every few months around the country then things would be different and people attending in the real can see everyone for themselves and make up their mind, but in this age of the elevated internerd it's hard enough finding someone from behind a wall of words and wading through are they aren't they - you don't need to add any potential surprises into that mix.
Exotic Orchid's reply earlier in the thread pretty much says it all really.
Neither of you want to be misled and feel awkward on that first meeting.
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Black Gent - 30 Dec, 2024 - 09:05AM
I would mention it upfront especially if iti s a visible or obvious disability. One of the biggest issues is people springing an obvious disability on someone as it can come across as being disingenuous or deceitful.
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Doubleohseven - 28 Dec, 2024 - 05:42PM
If the OP truly believes that it's society's fault that disables people, not the impairment itself, then logic follows that the impairment should be mentioned upfront and that this will not matter at all to similarly minded people. The others can remain chained to their collective guilt while moving on to the next profile.
Paula99 - 27 Dec, 2024 - 06:05PM
I don’t see why disabled people shouldn’t have a sex life …disabilities come in many forms …
Hearing loss ..partial sighted..one kidney ….plus some ailments/diseases…do you think all disabilities need to be addressed at the onset of a relationship?
The question is are we just thinking of the obvious ones..
It seems that a certain lady on the forum has enjoyed her play with guys in wheelchairs and I am sure they ‘rose ‘ to the occasion 😉😁
Clickable Connection - 27 Dec, 2024 - 09:47AM
Delicious Chaos - 26 Dec, 2024 - 02:04PM
I think we were all thinking the same thing 😂
Delicious Chaos - 26 Dec, 2024 - 02:04PM
Leggy Sheila
have been with two guys in wheelchairs XXX
Intrigued was that both at the same time? 😊
Clickable Connection - 26 Dec, 2024 - 11:21AM
This is a good topic, but also one that needs to be approached with some sensitivity.
I can see some folks with any disability or impairment may choose not to disclose it until further down the line , for fear of being mis-judged or being passed by.
But , ultimately it does need to be disclosed at some point, and putting it off until later may actually feel worse. Imagine, you chat to someone, you really like them etc , then you disclose something - and for whatever reason, it doesn't work for them. How would you feel ? Probably more gutted because you made a form connection with them.
So on balance I think it's probably worth mentioning in the profile, that way you don't get disappointed further down the line.
Sorry if I've upset anyone, but really tricky subject to navigate
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