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Wildest excuses you’ve told to avoid getting caught…

I’ve had my fair share of nerve-wracking moments over the years when I’ve had to think on my feet to keep my affair under wraps, and it got me thinking… I can’t be the only one, right?What’s the most creative excuse you’ve used, or the closest call you’ve had, to keep your secret safe?For me, I once had to fake a car breakdown to explain why I was “running late” coming home. Nearly got caught, but it worked! :sweat_smile:

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Comments (52)

marklondonengland - 22 Aug, 2024 - 07:14PM

I once had an IE in London who originally contacted me because she guessed (correctly) that I lived near to her kids school. Now and again the kids were late leaving school because of "extra-curricular activities"

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Paula99 - 22 Aug, 2024 - 05:49PM

I have never had to do that ….being over an hours journey away is too much risk for me …family could be ill … your car could break down….car pile up on the motorway….how do you explain it ?

Always calculate the risk …its worked for me 😁

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