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Strangest places you’ve met up with your IE

My most unusual meetup was in the back of a library during a book signing event. We were definitely not there for the books! Where’s the most hilarious/strange/unexpected place you’ve agreed to meet up with your IE? Let’s face it, constantly meeting up for a coffee or a walk can get a bit dull and I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks so.

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Comments (26)

ad88xx - 29 Oct, 2024 - 05:23PM

In a car park with a lady in work. Was many many moons ago, but she would randomly book in a meeting in my calendar, which was code for some Funtime, I would meet her at the top floor behind a massive vent , and we would get intimate, then sort ourselves out then back to work.

Nearly got caught by a colleague as she booked in two meetings in one day, and looks a little suspicious us both being away from the desks for so long, colleague came searching for me, and caught me on the stairwell. Managed to say we sneaked off for a cheeky cigarette, but she knew I didn’t smoke. Nothing else was said, and we cooled it off. Still, was the best job I ever had lol

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Lifesjourney610 - 05 Oct, 2024 - 05:28PM

I used to date a lady who was in a open same sex relationship. The three of us would meet for coffee and conversation for about a year ( nothing sexual) eventually the three of us went for a weekend away and we went to bed for the first time.
It was a wonderful experience not only the sexual side but also as we knew each other so well and cared for each other it was one of the most beautiful moments of my life.

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DevilishGent - 03 Oct, 2024 - 11:22AM

Less strange more memorable
The Balmoral in Edinburgh at the window looking down on the folks in the rain at the bus stop
A well appointed disabled restroom in London; we did head upstairs to the hotel room, afterwards
A balcony in Switzerland, with a few onlookers in the early evening sun
Cinema backrow

A blend of the romantic and the primal

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Unwoke! - 03 Oct, 2024 - 11:13AM

On a groundsheet, under a tarpaulin, in the woods, in the p*ss*ing rain!

1710437 - 03 Oct, 2024 - 10:05AM

I met with my IE in a maze in Bury St Edmunds, it was magical for all the right reasons,fear of being caught a particular highlight 😊

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1704344 - 03 Oct, 2024 - 09:20AM

Not from this site, but years ago when I was young and daring, I had a fling with a Canadian Air Force wife on the Air Force base.

During one tryst, a military police officer knocked on the door to ask why she wasn’t answering the phone. And there’s me, sitting upstairs and hoping he’d go away…

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