The Bell Pepper Code
I was chatting with a friend about how we all should come up with a fun, low-key way to signal to others that we’re... how shall we say, open to meeting someone new in public?
So, what if we start a secret code in the most mundane place of all – THE SUPERMARKET. It’s perfect! No one would ever suspect that your weekly food shop could lead to something a lot more... sizzling. 🛒
Here’s the deal: If you’re at the supermarket, feeling adventurous and maybe not quite as satisfied at home as you should be, you simply put TWO BELL PEPPERS in your trolley/basket BUT the stems have to be facing downward. That’s the key… It’s like a secret handshake, but with veg.
Think about it. You’re casually browsing the aisles, and suddenly you spot someone with the telltale peppers in their basket. Your eyes meet. There’s a knowing glance. An instant connection, all thanks to a couple of peppers.
What do we reckon? Secret meets in Tescos? 😏
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Comments (104)
1708930 - 14 Oct, 2024 - 10:45PM
In Yorkshire on a Thursday evening in asda you stick a big bar of dairy milk in your basket shows others in same position you want to meet and greet ha ha
Shaun123987 - 14 Oct, 2024 - 02:44PM
Surely that should say
"Secret meats in Tescos" ?
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PassionateBeyondTheDesk - 14 Oct, 2024 - 11:57AM
People do this abroad.. pineapple in the cart turned upside down and you hang around in the wine aisle. If you see someone you fancy.. you just need to bump carts with them...
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Paula99 - 13 Oct, 2024 - 12:19PM
The idea of IE is no one else should knows you are using this ….why would you want your phone to ping …?🙄
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1706105 - 13 Oct, 2024 - 11:59AM
I love peppers !!🤣🤣
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Redfella - 13 Oct, 2024 - 11:18AM
Everything you need to know happens in the first 5 seconds of eye contact every time xxx
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Lokini - 13 Oct, 2024 - 10:16AM
I think IE could expand this app such that if two users are close to each other then their phones would send each other a ping.
It would be interesting if your partners phone pinged each time you were close...
ClassyLady77 - 11 Oct, 2024 - 07:43PM
Wearing something with a piece of fruit on it.. A pineapple is a sign someone’s a swinger etc etc…
Maybe a Apple with a bite taken out of the forbidden fruit.. 😉
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