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Christmas gift ideas for a distraction…

So, I’ve come up with a plan to make sure my partner’s kept as occupied as possible for at least the next few months. I’ve decided to gift him a playstation for Christmas. He’s been dropping hints about it all year, and honestly? I think it’s the perfect way to keep him completely distracted while I, well... let’s just say, focus on my own 'activities'… It’s a win-win really!

Has anyone else gone down this route? Or maybe you’ve got your partner a Christmas gift that’ll keep them out the house more in 2025?

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Comments (28)

laugar164 - 18 Dec, 2024 - 01:32PM

F me you ladies are cunning lol

Martha's little secret - 18 Dec, 2024 - 01:21PM

Love this! anything that keeps a partner off the scent of an affair works. Ive gotta say my go-to gifts at christmas are always outdoorsy or something I know for sure will keep my partner out consistently, best buy was golf lessons and I even threw in a set of clubs. god he was so happy, and completely unaware of the fact that i just wanted to make sure he was busy while i got up to my own mischief

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The A Show - 18 Dec, 2024 - 01:13PM

Interesting... I've bought my wife pottery lessons so I know I'll have Tuesday evenings free. She'll have no idea there's an ulterior motive behind it!

secretescape13 - 18 Dec, 2024 - 01:09PM

Should I be worried there's a playstation-sized box under my Xmas tree? 🤣

WhosaysIcanthavefun - 18 Dec, 2024 - 01:06PM

@marklondonengland, not sure if this resonates with this person, but my husband absolutely wasn't a gamer, that is, until I bought him a games console. It's basically his hobby now and he even bought himself one of those headsets, so I can safely say he's got other things on his mind than checking what I'm up to when I'm off to see my IE

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marklondonengland - 18 Dec, 2024 - 12:47PM

It's funny though, because if someone is such a dedicated gamer that they would want to spend every weekend just gaming then they should really have a console already - it makes sense doesn't it?

MagicMouse321 - 18 Dec, 2024 - 12:28PM

Quite the opposite, my IE bought herself a selfie stick to shoot content for me over the Christmas break 🙊 🤷‍♂️

WhosaysIcanthavefun - 18 Dec, 2024 - 11:52AM

I did this last year and it worked an absolute treat!

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