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Send your Flirt Forum letters to Sara (letters@illicitencounters.com)
** LIVE NOW ** Do you have a type?
If you do, are you disappointed when someone you’ve been messaging turns out not to...
Wildest excuses you’ve told to avoid getting caught…
I’ve had my fair share of nerve-wracking moments over the years when I’ve had to...
"Help IE! I'm worried the kid's school might be closed this week because of this...
Physical attraction is important in securing a meet. How soon would you exchange passwords, and...
.... but I won't do that ......
What would you do with your IE and where would...
Which person of the opposite sex, throughout time, would you liked to
have had a date with...
What is your L word, is it Lust or Love? For me the affair and the
excitement is just pure...
Is it right that men always have to make the first move? In today's world of strong and...
How much contact in between meets is enough contact....
How many messages do you and your IE have in between meets and what do you
think is...
If you lost all five senses and could have only TWO back for your next IE, which would it be, and...
How important is a good profile name and photo..?
Have you dismissed a potential IE on the basis of a terrible user name and
a profile...
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