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** LIVE NOW ** Reasons for joining?
I would like to know people's honest reasons as to why they joined IE?
For those who have been on IE for some time, I'm interested to hear how your approach to...
I imagine we've all had to be a little more inventive with first
dates/meets due to...
When you have found your ideal match or that special person on this site, how do you intend to...
I have decided 2025 is going to be my year! One of my main priorities is to find happiness for...
Is something I get regularly, particularly when a conversation may be coming to a natural end....
I tried to be faithful, for a long time. However, I always, always had the feeling I needed to...
When should I declare a disability?
When joining IE there are opportunities to declare your age, religion, sex , ethnicity and...
Who else finds it off putting to be asked if they are talking to others? How many of you tell the...
Strangest places you’ve met up with your IE
My most unusual meetup was in the back of a library during a book signing event. We were...
Christmas gift ideas for a distraction…
So, I’ve come up with a plan to make sure my partner’s kept as occupied as...
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