‘Ask me anything’
Is something I get regularly, particularly when a conversation may be coming to a natural end. What are the worst questions that you have been asked, and what aspects of yourself apart from the same old, do you wish that people took time to find out?
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Comments (104)
Quirky-Birdy - 17 Jan, 2025 - 10:44AM
I hate the question 'so how you finding it on here?' Or 'have you had much luck on here?'
I really don't want to discuss the ups and downs of online affair finding or how many people I've met up with 🤣 how boring. Plus I'm really not intrested in how wonderful Jane from the next town over was during your 6 month affair.
1741076 - 14 Jan, 2025 - 04:28PM
One for the Ladies and successful men please,
Can you tell me what sort of message you want on the first occasion. I have been sending them like... I have read your profile and think we could be a great match, I particularly like the fact that you ........ I am not getting replies so must be doing something wrong. How do you think I could improve
Thank You
Here we go 693 - 10 Jan, 2025 - 11:50PM
hawk 62
Why would they even ask that?! They have no idea about your personal circumstances!aune you've tried that am it fell flat. I mean what a judgemental statement
hawk62 - 08 Jan, 2025 - 06:11PM
The worse question I've been asked is why can't you spice up things with your wife?
Which is just another way of saying, I'm not interested! 🙄
Forlorn66 - 03 Jan, 2025 - 10:15AM
I'll admit that I use this term quite often but it's a genuine statement as I have nothing to hide and I really don't have an issue answering personal questions. I'm on here to find something special and I plan on being completely open.
Thankfully, it hasn't been a conversation ender but it may be time to rethink it's use if it has this sort of reaction. I'm new here so all of this helps me a lot.
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BerkshireBiker - 03 Jan, 2025 - 10:01AM
Usually this strikes me as things are stalling or a last chance to maintain momentum. Can be al sliding doors moment that takes things swiftly in a different direction.
Not my favoured period as predominantly it means things aren’t going anywhere useful.
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Paula99 - 02 Jan, 2025 - 04:11PM
If you write your profile in a certain way then you can avoid most of the ‘ask me anything’ bridge ..this is the nature of what we do …but to be fair years ago I was on another website and I had set my filters and low and behold this guy messaged me ….outside of my filters and he became my very first affair …so don’t be quick to diss the guys …some need to get out of their comfort zone….there is no need to be rude …just be direct 👍
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Delicious Chaos - 02 Jan, 2025 - 04:06PM
Why on earth would you move off here without establishing the basics first
Location, what they are looking for, what do they look like, what they can commit. Until I have that info I just won’t waste my time going off here
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Happy Henry - 02 Jan, 2025 - 12:44PM
I've found that the rhythm of a conversation is much more important than the subject matter .. sometimes the flow is quick, and intense and information is exchanged about all sorts of things .. leading to an exchange of pws and hopefully then on to another medium. Others can be slow, maybe over days, before building up speed to the same point of pw exchange. Either there is rapport or there isn't - regardless of the speed of flow - and if it's there then usually most questions are asked and answered before the decision to move on is reached.
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