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What about him/her?

Who else finds it off putting to be asked if they are talking to others? How many of you tell the truth?

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Comments (18)

Paula99 - 23 Jan, 2025 - 05:23AM


It does depend on the length of time you have been seeing him and if your relationship is exclusive….have you asked the question ?

1741944 - 22 Jan, 2025 - 05:33PM

I have got something really good with someone which has been going for some time, but the person I'm with is still logging into IE. I don't like to ask because what we have is really good, but I find it unsettling x

Unwoke! - 27 Dec, 2024 - 12:03AM

Very! It's extremely naive of anyone to believe that the very first person I start a dialogue with is going to be my lover!
Of COURSE I will talk to others whilst seeking out who I want to move on with.

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1709555 - 25 Dec, 2024 - 05:11PM

It’s a daft question, particularly in the early days. Men pay to be here, you’ve no idea if the person you start talking to is really interested, if you progress go “hidden” and get off IE!

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1735462 - 25 Dec, 2024 - 08:10AM

Never been asked this but I expect you to be competing with other men for a woman’s attention on here. I’d be happy just to speak to one lady for fun but I’d be honest always.

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LadyDe - 22 Dec, 2024 - 12:16AM


I agree, it seems strange but I just can’t lie, it’s not in my soul..husband knows I’m here! Although I’ve had an IE from here for a yr now. But yes I’ve alwys been honest, if chatting to others I say and how many etc … it’s just a shame on a site with this degree of deception we can’t can’t have 10000% honesty with each other, I mean we’re not stupid…

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Paula99 - 21 Dec, 2024 - 08:12AM

We all put too much pressure on ourselves to be liked and accepted….but in reality you just need to take this in your stride …never mind what you hear/see on social media networking ….people will genuinely like you for who you are and not your aspirations…just because people don’t say it doesn’t mean they are not thinking it … it just shows the maturity of the person involved…
You will be surprised to know that honesty (the irony I know) is a factor in this type of relationship….you will beable to see the fakers/knobheads a mile away…😁

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1494077 - 21 Dec, 2024 - 07:56AM

Clickable Connection - 21 Dec, 2024 - 07:21AM

Couldn’t agree more. A man confident of his ability, and really interested in a woman would simply go out and smash whatever ‘competition’ there is out of the ball park.

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1494077 - 21 Dec, 2024 - 07:51AM

It would be more of a surprise if a man I was chatting to at an initial stage wasn’t trying to message others. However it is very easy to tell if mutual interest is present, and if both parties are making an effort towards a potential meet.

As Paula99 says, don’t overthink it!

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Clickable Connection - 21 Dec, 2024 - 07:21AM

Sorry if this upsets anyone but ....

If you're too worried about how many people they are chatting with , then that's more about your own insecurities. If you ask how many you're chatting with - you're basically asking , "what's my competition?", "where do I fit in the pecking order"

Just chill and focus on being your self - the rest will follow

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