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49, Reading

Profile image of Carriballa

Married, Average body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: Friendship, Short Term Relationship, Long Term Relationship, Romance & Fun, Casual, See how it goes

Middle Eastern,  Light / Social smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Financial Services
Education:  Graduate/Masters Degree
Eye Colour:  Brown
Hair Colour:  Black
Religion:  Other

Looking for Female between the ages of 35 and 65

Star Sign: Scorpio
Last Active: Within 24 Hours

About Me:

Life's too short for boring conversations and even shorter for anything less than extraordinary. I'm always learning, always curious—whether it's figuring out how things tick or diving deep into what makes people truly fascinating.

There's always something going on with me. I constantly seek out new adventures. I have a good set of friends who keep me grounded, entertained and always in good company.
If you're looking for someone who's fun to be around, loves a good challenge, and is always ready to explore the world or each other (wink), then you've found your match.

Doing things out of the ordinary excites me. Why settle for less? You'll never regret the chances you take.

Ideal Partner:

I'm looking for a partner in crime, someone to share experiences with. You have a sense of style and good energy that lights up any room. You know exactly what you want out of life and aren’t afraid to go after it.

But here's the twist: you're also open to being swept off your feet and letting someone else take the lead from time to time. We can have adventures with a touch of mischief.

Other Interests:

Astrology / New Age, Literature / History, Cycling, Golf, Gym / Aerobics, Athletics, Dancing, Computers / Internet, Movies / Cinema, Yoga / Meditation, Cooking

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