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64, Wellingborough

Profile image of Justme2305

Living Together, Average body
6'0'' (183cm) or above
Looking for: Long Term Relationship, Romance & Fun, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Regular Drinker

Occupation:  Other
Education:  High/Secondary school
Eye Colour:  Blue
Hair Colour:  Bald
Religion:  Agnostic/None

Looking for Female between the ages of 50 and 99

Star Sign: Aquarius
Last Active: Will put a smile on your face

About Me:

This is the hard bit. How do you write about yourself without being upbeat or downbeat? realistically I think I am a switched on person that has a certain intelligence, bags of common sense and logical to a degree. No Einstein yet no Charlie Chaplin. I'd sooner be in the background rather than the limelight yet I can shine when the moment is right.

Likes are the countryside and country life (where I live), dogs, walking, holidays, sunshine, good company, good entertainment and life.

Why am I here? Well the relationship went very staid many years ago although we are still friends and we both want it to continue. She doesn't know I'm on this site as I suppose your chap doesn't know you are. I get a lot of free time, sometimes long weekends with the occasional week or even fortnight thrown in. I can do as I please generally but I am very respectful too.

Ideal Partner:

What am I looking for? Maybe you, who knows?

I do like to please and would always hope to be that way. Somebody on the same wave length ideally but opposites do attract and it makes for interesting conversation. We'll both know if it's worth a goer.

I'm not bothered if you are married, divorced, single or whatever. Ideally you'll have time for this, maybe you work away or maybe you can get away. You will only be looking for one man to fill the gaps you have in your life.

Other Interests:

Nature, Cars / Motorcycles, Gardening, Politics, Cricket, Motor Racing, Travel / Sightseeing, Cooking, Food and Wine

Gifts Received Recently :

Platinum Bracelet A Feather Bottle of Champagne A Whip Wrist Watch A Beach Ball

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