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52, Cheshire

No profile picture

Married, Average body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: Friendship, Short Term Relationship, Long Term Relationship, Casual, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Other
Education:  Doctoral Degree/Ph.D
Eye Colour:  Blue
Hair Colour:  Other
Religion:  Atheist

Looking for Female between the ages of 40 and 54

Star Sign: Gemini
Last Active: Hidden Profile - Status unknown

About Me:

Hello. Thanks for taking a look at my profile. No photos online but will share if you get in touch.

Major league mid-life crisis cliche looking for my female equivalent. Married for ever and not in a position to change that. Let's lead one another astray in a totally non-judgemental way.

Blue eyes. All my own teeth and hair (mix of gingery brown but increasingly grey, and even flecks of white 😱). Currently a bit stubbly, a bit beardy, though that’s more just laziness on my part than a real meaningful commitment to a beard). Quite happy to shave!

No bullshit. One of the few members who actually sits down and takes time to read profiles rather than just pinging out generic 'hi' messages or those ludicrous VKs. Professional, solvent and honest (yeah I know, ironic isn't it). Luxury of a career that enables me to have reasonable amounts of free time for lazy lunches, louche afternoons and whatever follows ...

That said, I've done this before and prefer to be monogamously unfaithful rather than working my way round the north west adding notches to the bed post. It would be good to meet someone with a similar notion of commitment. Otherwise, I do hygiene and smell gorgeous, (still amazed that's not the case for everyone on here). Honestly, I sometimes despair for my gender when I hear some of your tales.

Switch and sapiophile for those who like to know that kind of thing.

I love music, read way too much, like loads of arty stuff. Go to the gym but if you're looking for a bit of a knuckle dragging geezer, I'm probably not who you're after.

Ideal Partner:

Who am I looking for?

So I don’t have a type as such. Though I always think we already have ‘our type’ and we still ended up on IE. Maybe types aren’t that helpful? And you can never really tell anyway until we've had that coffee or cocktail, and then that first kiss ... can you? Though someone did once refuse to talk to me because I didn't like Kasabian. Of all the reasons ... still don't get Kasabian either ;)

Otherwise how about some passion, kissing, edging and ever such a little hint of decadence?

Someone who wants more than a quick bunk up but less than running off into the sunset hand in hand. Brains as much as beauty. Smart, sharp, and thinking of shared times. Other than that - who knows, let's find out.

And please don't worry about VKs or those crazy presents ... just message and say hello if you think we might get on. And tell me what’s top of your current playlist? I'm always interested, never judgemental. Currently obsessed with Lola Young, Lady Blackbird and Crazy P. A little bit partial to Grace Jones at the moment but probably happiest with a full on sunny morning kitchen doors open with What's Going On playing ... bliss.

Other Interests:

Music - Alternative, Music - Dance / Electronic, Music - Blues/Jazz, Music - Pop / R&B, Music - Rock, Music - World, Gym / Aerobics, Movies / Cinema, Food and Wine

Gifts Received Recently :

Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie Silver Cufflinks The Kama Sutra Concert Tickets Bottle of Champagne Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie

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