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48, Munster

Profile image of PreciousGem

Widowed, Curvaceous body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: Friendship, Short Term Relationship, Long Term Relationship, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Self-employed
Education:  Graduate/Masters Degree
Eye Colour:  Black
Hair Colour:  Black
Religion:  Catholic

Looking for Male between the ages of 55 and 99

Star Sign: Gemini
Last Active: Message her before she's gone!

About Me:

A few things about me: My background? well if you're interested I'm university educated, I'm an expert in the field of and for myself and I would describe my relationship status as widowed and looking for something that goes wherever it leads me.

Call me nostalgic, but I prefer Game of Thrones and Wonder Woman wins hands down, I'm less fond of The Godfather. I'm currently into Adele and Elton John but you would never catch me listening to Classic FM.

My appearance is dark eyes, average height, black hair and curvaceous.

If I could describe myself in a few words, I am loyal, intelligent and big-hearted.

Ideal Partner:

Nothing entered

Other Interests:

Music - Country, Shopping, Singing / Playing Instrument, Travel / Sightseeing, Cooking, Food and Wine

Gifts Received Recently :

A Single Rose Tequila Sunrise A Pair of Stilettos A Feather Handcuffs Red Wine and Rose

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