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58, East Sussex, London

Profile image of Special_and_rare

Married, Average body
6'0'' (183cm) or above
Looking for: Friendship, Long Term Relationship, Romance & Fun

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Executive
Education:  Bachelors Degree
Eye Colour:  Blue
Hair Colour:  White / Grey
Religion:  Church of England

Looking for Female between the ages of 21 and 99

Star Sign: Pisces
Last Active: Within 1 Hour

About Me:

I’ve been here before though with mixed success.

I’m a normal man. Unusually successful in terms of how the world sees me, but just a normal man underneath.

I’m looking for someone rare, unusual and very special. Someone worth the risk of what this site leads to.

Of course looks are not totally irrelevant, I’m human after all. But your character and personality are so much more powerful. Engage my brain annd my heart, and everything else will follow.

I don’t want ordinary - I want so much more.

I want the one in a million. Is that you?

Ideal Partner:

I’m kinda normal but also kinda picky.

I want to meet one person only. That’s my end game. But she is going to be so, so special.

She will be attractive. Classy and smart too. The classy element is really important to me. But with a big personality too , even if it’s only visible to me.

Intelligence is attractive. It’s a killer. I can be shallow, so looks are not irrelevant. But personality, smarts and presence trumps all the physical stuff. (Bad grammar I know!)

I don’t want a shrinking violet when we are alone together, even (and especially) if that side of you is reserved just for me. So please grab my attention, my sole attention, and I will be all yours too. I don’t care if you are shy and quiet to the outside world: I want someone who will create our own private, special world with me.

I want to create something special with you. Something unique. Exclusive. Personal. Exciting.

Something that makes our hearts race. That fills our thoughts. And obsesses our minds when we are not together and messaging.

Something that makes us smile and laugh, even when we are apart. But especially when we are together. Shared smiles and laughs are impossible to resist.

I know exactly what I want. And I know it’s rare. But does it strike a chord with you? If it does, then please message me. And let’s see where it leads…..

Other Interests:

Nature, Literature / History, Theatre / Ballet, Travel / Sightseeing, Movies / Cinema, Food and Wine

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