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Bella Gamba

67, Mearns

No profile picture

Married, Average body
5'2''-5'6'' (157-169cm)
Looking for: Friendship, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Other
Education:  Bachelors Degree
Eye Colour:  Green
Hair Colour:  White / Grey
Religion:  Other

Looking for Male between the ages of 50 and 70

Star Sign: Cancer
Last Active: Hidden Profile - Status unknown

About Me:

I'm an intelligent professional woman who spends quite a bit of time at work and quite a bit of time alone when home. I'm happy in my own company but would like to share some of my free time with a kind attentive male.

I enjoy swimming, walking, being outdoors, meals out, pubs with real ale and real fires in winter, craft activities, cooking with friends, baking, watching rugby,live theatre and trying new things. I'm not keen on sci-fi, animals, boxing and arrogant men.I'm 5' 2" tall, medium build with decent legs. I try to eat healthily and swim regularly, but I'm not a slave to diet and exercise. I wear business clothes at work so prefer more casual clothes at home, mainly jeans but I can dress smartly if necessary. I don't wear a lot of make up and everything is real including the hair colour - no fake nails, fake tan or tattoos and only my ears are pierced. I took the opportunity while the hairdressers were closed, to stop having my hair coloured, on the basis that if I didn't like my natural grey I could revert to the tyranny and vast expense of maintaining my roots. I'm comfortable in my own skin and with the silver fox look.

For those of you with a limited knowledge of geography and no knowledge of the author Lewis Grassic Gibbon, the Mearns is in Scotland and it is not a suburb of Glasgow.

Ideal Partner:

I'm looking for a kind attentive man who is not too clingy. I'm not keen on bald men but I have no preference regarding moustaches, beards or clean shaven. Personal hygiene is important to me. I like a man to smell nice and who is clean and cares for his health. Discretion and respect are important to me as I have no wish to upset my family. I have no pre-conceived ideas, but a man who is caring and could bring a bit of sparkle back into my life would be ideal.

Since I work full-time, I am not available in the daytime except at weekends. If you are looking for a daytime hobby to fill your retirement, I'm not likely to be able to fulfil that role.

Other Interests:

Arts / Crafts, Hiking / Camping, Ice / Snow Sports, Water Sports, Theatre / Ballet, Volunteer / Charity, Cooking, Food and Wine

Gifts Received Recently :

Bouquet of Flowers Black Lingerie Bottle of Champagne Concert Tickets Suspenders Pimms

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