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37, Orkney

Profile image of Beachhoney

Married, Curvaceous body
5'2''-5'6'' (157-169cm)
Looking for: Romance & Fun, Casual

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Government
Education:  Bachelors Degree
Eye Colour:  Blue
Hair Colour:  Brown
Religion:  Agnostic/None

Looking for Male between the ages of 25 and 50

Star Sign: Gemini
Last Active: Will put a smile on your face

About Me:

I never know what to say in these things, I don’t think I can be surmised in a little white box, but I’ll give it a go with some random bits of information about me, that might be vaguely interesting.

1. I love to read. I’ve got my nose stuck in a book a lot. I have an extensive vocabulary and vivid imagination thanks to the many hours I’ve spent exploring different worlds.

2. I work out 5 times a week. Mainly so I can sustain my sausage sandwich habit.

3. I love being by the sea. It fascinates and captivates me like nothing else. Not to sound wanky, but it speaks to my soul. God. Cringe.

4. I’m 5ft 2. Yes, small. Tiny arms and hands. Like a t-Rex.

5. I hate cheese. Yes that includes on pizza, lasagna, everything you can think of. Hate it.

6. Well done it you’ve made it this far. I have long brown hair, which is well in need of a chop (thanks lockdown), blue eyes, big boobs, fat arse. I get called cute a lot. Which is very annoying.

7. I think I’m funny. I’m obviously hilarious, and very sarcastic. I’m a bit of a brat. I like to get my own way.

8. I’ve had enough of writing this list. Just ask me anything. I’m not really shy

Ideal Partner:

I’m married and not looking to change that. Bored though and need someone to fill in the bits that are missing. I’m looking for someone to get excited about when I get a message from them, the anticipation of seeing them and that attraction and wanting them. I’m looking for some fun and romance and some amazing sex.

Other Interests:

Politics, Literature / History, Shopping, Singing / Playing Instrument, Movies / Cinema

Gifts Received Recently :

Red Lingerie Red Lingerie A Single Rose A Whip Ice Cream Singapore Sling

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