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The gin in your vermouth

60, South Devon

Profile image of The gin in your vermouth

Married, Athletic body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: Romance & Fun, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Self-employed
Education:  Graduate/Masters Degree
Eye Colour:  Blue
Hair Colour:  Bald
Religion:  Catholic

Looking for Female between the ages of 40 and 69

Star Sign: Aries
Last Active: Within 24 Hours

About Me:

The truth, and nothing but the truth, which may sound a bit odd here, but it is. It's all true, everything on this page, including the photos (most are fairly recent - August 24 - a couple from last year).

One piece of the jigsaw missing. A sparkle has gone and we are good friends, the kids have grown up fast and I'm looking for someone to bring maybe excitement, maybe romance, maybe passion - maybe all three if I hit the jackpot. And laughs - life's too short, let's have some fun.

I love the gym and wild swimming. If we met you'd see a well dressed guy, fit - very good shape, just short of 6ft and bald. Avid readers of this profile will notice I have changed my body description from 'average' to 'athletic' - spending a lot of time in the gym. I love dancing and kissing. For work I run my own business, so my time is my own.

My jokes are often awful, the banter is not too bad. The craic will always be high octane.

I've had a break from IE (just back September 24), been here before so my expectations are realistic.

Ideal Partner:

Let's start with what I'm not looking for; firstly endless rounds of 'Hi, how are you?'

And if your profile reads "I'm more a [FILM NAME] woman than [OTHER FILM NAME]", please walk on by; you are not my ideal and I won't respond, which I know is a little rude but, ladies, if you haven't got 10 minutes to describe yourself - doesn't have to be Shakespeare, just say it in your own words, just three words! - you probably won't have the time for a love affair.

If, on the other hand, you're looking for someone to create some sparks, fan the embers ... confident and know what you want ... if you are interesting, interested and would like to have fun, good times, life is too short, send me a message and we can explore more.

Physically there has to be an attraction and what many on this site mention - chemistry. I don't have a particular type, I will be more seduced by your words though as this is ideal, you'll be over 40 and leading a fulsome life with something missing. Having said that we do need to fancy each other so my preference is to exchange passwords fairly early.

I'm looking for stimulating company - someone who'll create the butterflies just at the thought of meeting.

Other Interests:

Museums / Galleries, Literature / History, Gym / Aerobics, Dancing, Ice / Snow Sports, Theatre / Ballet, Movies / Cinema, Food and Wine

Gifts Received Recently :

A Whip The Kama Sutra Platinum Bracelet Bottle of Wine Bottle of Cologne Bottle of Champagne

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