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46, Manchester

Profile image of Peaches1

Married, Average body
5'2''-5'6'' (157-169cm)
Looking for: Friendship, Short Term Relationship, Long Term Relationship, Romance & Fun, Casual, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Light / Social smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Healthcare & Medical
Education:  Graduate/Masters Degree
Eye Colour:  Green
Hair Colour:  Blonde
Religion:  Agnostic/None

Looking for Male between the ages of 38 and 48

Star Sign: Aquarius
Last Active: Hidden Profile - Status unknown

About Me:

Firstly before you start reading. If you are not localish to me, living in the North West area, please don't bother messaging me. That also goes for people who proclaim to regularly travel into the Manchester area for whatever reason. I will not be replying to your messages so please dont waste your time. If you work Mon-Fri 9-5 that isnt going to work either, as weekday daytime meets are essential and must be available for pretty much the whole day, not just your lunch break. Please do not lie about your availability during the day as this is becoming a reoccurring logistic. There are alot of disrespectful men on here also who seem to be a rush to get jiggy with it. I DO NOT wish to get naked after a quick costa coffee as this is not me. Anyone who sends messages of a nasty nature ie: a personal attack on myself through judgement of my profile will also be reported to admin. There is really no need for it! Be nice!

OK here goes, you may want to grab a brew before you sit down and start reading all this shizzle.....

I'd describe myself as funny, sarcastic, bit of a joker, laid-back, quietly confident, kind, friendly, loyal, independent, chatty, strong willed, opinionated, quirky, sassy, caring, loving, passionate, impulsive, trustworthy, non conformist, liberal, humble, down to earth and abit wacko (Not in a psychopathic way).

As far as appearance.......Im not a heels kind of person so dont expect me to rack up in stilettos and a mini dress. I'm not flash, I don't wear acrylic nails, false eyelashes or anything along them lines. I'm more the girl next door kinda person who is happy with a pint down the pub but swanky cocktail bars work too.

I find myself stuck in a rut of a marriage and although life is comfortable, it's sexless. Im looking to restart my sex life not add to it. Would prefer someone in a similar position to myself who's maybe neglected and needs a long term solution without the drama.

I have a flexible job which allows for lots of free time. Daytime is essential but can do occasional eves and weekends, with forward planning. Would like to meet someone regular at least once or twice a month. I'm not looking for quickies on your lunch break as there are paid services for that so must be free for a good few hours.

I don't drive (hated it) happy to travel if easy enough but just thought I'd mention it as people seem to have an issue with that.

I'm no stranger to these sites and know how things work! I'm getting really naffed off with all the timewasters on here at the moment so sorry unless you know what you want and have the actual time for this please don't bother! Emotionally immature men who think ghosting is acceptable are also not welcome.

I don't respond to VK's as I know people are not full members on here so I'm not going to write a lovely reply when you can't read them. I very rarely make the first move on here for the same reason as dont see the point in messages for someone who cant read them.

Apologies but I'm not interested in seeking any relations with people who live a fair distance away. I'm still waiting for Mr fannylicker from Kent to give me a good seeing to from 2 years ago.
Nor do I want to have a threesome with yourself or Whitney from down the road.
I don't send explicit pics or videos to strangers so if you are after abit of sexting and have no intentions to meet, I'm probably not your woman. I like to think I'm past the stage of getting excited over dick pics.

I'm unlikely to be getting jiggy with it on the first or even second meet for that matter so you can leave your best undies at home! May I also add, I won't be turning up knickerless on initial meet either.

Sorry for the rant and length of this but these are genuine conversations / experiences I do not wish to become involved in. Please can you just read the list, it's quite specific. Thanking you x

Ideal Partner:

Ideal Partner:

Physically my ideal man would be stocky, without a six pack, just not into fitness freaks. Love short beards and tattoos but this is not a deal breaker. I'm no way shallow, just my preference in a man. I'm not into flash men either who drive posh cars, wear armani suits and own several rolexes. Ruff and ready builder type bloke definitely gets my attention.

Someone who is fun, witty and abit daft. Find laughter very attractive.

Someone nice, passionate, tactile and a little bit naughty. Soft centred but has dominant side.

Someone who is willing to meet quite early on for a drink as I'm not into chatting for weeks on end only to find there is no connection and acquire another penpal.

Open, honest and reliable.

Someone chatty and interesting.

Someone looking for a long term arrangement. When I say this I mean something that lasts more than a few meetings. I don't wish to upsticks and trot off into the sunset.

Someone local, not a million miles away.

Happy to meet at least once or twice a month and keep in touch between meetings via Telegram.

Preferably someone between the ages of 38-48. Sorry I just don't find older men attractive although that's probably down to people lying about their age. Some of you men must have had a hard paper round as a kid because I find your pics dont match your age 🙄 If you are older fine, share your pics in a message and we shall see. I have an older husband at home and the age gap no longer works for me so would prefer somone my own age.

Don't wants....

Someone who is not honest and open and comes across as guarded.

Fantasists and time wasters.

Someone who is cold and seeks just sex. There is whole lot more to an affair. I like to do things together, walks, meals, drinks or whatever. Being locked in a premier inn is all good and well on occasions but not all of the time.

Someone loyal, trustworthy and genuine (laughable I know!) who is not forever seeking new partners because they think perfection excists. Basically someone who doesn't want to shag their way through the entire female members of IE. I want an exclusive affair and not to be sharing you with every Tina, Deborah and Hayley.

Someone who claims to be happily married and just bored. I struggle with the concept of why someone would be on here if they were happily married. Just my opinion.

If you are going to be cocky about err cock size or whatever I doubt I will message you back as I don't like people who kiss their own arse. I'm not interested in how many times you gym it. No six pack required and definitely prefer a Dad bod.

Jeeze I best shut up as I'll be here all day writing this list!

Other Interests:

Music - Alternative, Music - Dance / Electronic, Nightclubs / Clubs, Music - Pop / R&B, Music - Rock, Hiking / Camping, Travel / Sightseeing, Movies / Cinema, Cooking, Food and Wine

Gifts Received Recently :

Bottle of Champagne Apple Cider & Cinnamon Spring Bouquet A Feather A Feather A Cupcake

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