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52, Market Harborough

Profile image of Bishbashbosh922

Married, Average body
5'7''-5'11'' (170-180cm)
Looking for: Friendship, Long Term Relationship, Romance & Fun, See how it goes

Caucasian/White,  Non-Smoker,  Light / Social Drinker

Occupation:  Other
Education:  Technical training/Diploma
Eye Colour:  Blue
Hair Colour:  Brown
Religion:  Other

Looking for Female between the ages of 21 and 59

Star Sign: Libra
Last Active: Within 24 Hours

About Me:

I’ve been with my wife for almost 30 years, but as with most relationships, love and attention at home dwindles with age. We have a kid who I love very much and I'm not looking to change any of the house dynamics.

I have a very high sex drive, which you would understand why if we got to know each other better. Im craving intimacy, to feel excited from a message and to hopefully feel wanted.

I'm guessing we'd start out with some chat and exchange on here, move on to a coffee date and see what happens from there.

I love messaging, exchanging photos and videos... I find it a real turn-on and love the eliments or naughtiness and risk, the higher the levels, the hotter I get.

Meetups would be ideally Leicester(shire), around Market Harborough region and Northampton area nearby. I do visit Nottingham, Hinckley, Lutterworth and Coventry quite often, so can't discount these either. I could maybe squeeze an overnight further a field, but it would need to be believable back at home.

I've not got time for anything too far from Leicester, so please don't feel offended if distance stops me (it's nothing personal, just geographical), but let’s chat first before deciding.

Ideal Partner:

100% don't like weird stuff.

If you're happy having someone to call or to be called by once in a while to share a brew, a bit of time to chat and a bit of affection then drop me a line.

I don't bite..... unless that's what you like xxx

Other Interests:

Cycling, Tennis / Racket Sports

Gifts Received Recently :

Pint of Lager Pint of Lager A Feather Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie Bottle of Wine Bottle of Wine

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