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This is one for the girls

This is one for the girls
Is it just me that thinks A lot of guys profile pic and names dont always make them very appealing,
I get the privacy bit, but come on !
Us ladies need a bit more enticing 😜
No offense guys !

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Comments (206)

TheBoredHousewife - 14 Nov, 2023 - 12:46PM

Legs&Eyes - 14 Nov, 2023 - 11:58AM

I feel jilted. I do hope that he wasn’t disheartened enough to write you a funny and romantic note. 😏😉😂

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Legs&Eyes - 14 Nov, 2023 - 11:58AM

TBH - 14 Nov, 2023 - 11:50AM

Interesting isnt it. Shame 'we men' actually forget what they write in messages isnt it....

'We women' can tell lots of stories of our own!


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TheBoredHousewife - 14 Nov, 2023 - 11:50AM

Oooohhhh!!!! LondonStories, it’s all coming out now 😉 How dare you two time on me, messaging L&E as well. From London to Wakefield. Gosh, you do put in effort for travel! 😂

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Legs&Eyes - 14 Nov, 2023 - 11:39AM

LondonStories 13 Nov, 2023 - 09:16PM

You've got a great sense of humour.....

'We men invest...... we send when we dont receive..........we're under a time pressure......men send a well-thought out first message'....

Have you loked at the first message you sent me?
You hadnt even properly read my profile and it was one line.. not so much 'well thought out' as you may kid yourself... the 2nd line asked me why I was here for married men??? I dont think you even bothered saying hello on either message!

And how many other first messages from gents have you been witness to ?
Cos let me tell you, you're deluded when you talking on behalf of 'we men' - cos you simply have no clue.
Ive just blocked and deleted one from someone not in my area, older than my age range - saying - 'nice eye, can I see your legs'

Guys here get mixed up with OnlyFans - this isnt pay per view!

Oh yeah.. you guys put LOADS of thought in!

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TheBoredHousewife - 14 Nov, 2023 - 06:23AM

Londonstories - 13 Nov, 2023 - 11:02PM

I get what you are trying to say. Females get many messages of the kind that you sent me.

Londonstories - 13 Nov, 2023 - 11:02PM

I also messaged you, but it seems like you conveniently ignored it. By the time I sent the message, my enthusiasm to write a romantic and funny note had already faded. However, I believe you understood the general idea of what I was trying to convey. I don't have any complaints about it, but I believe that often women will overlook the gentlemen they are truly seeking.

A player knows the game and will send you a flawless message, leaving people like me wondering what went wrong. Wishing you a great week.

TheBoredHousewife - 13 Nov, 2023 - 10:23PM

Londonstories - 13 Nov, 2023 - 09:16PM

Oh dear, poor you! I can’t speak for all women, but when I have made the effort to write my own profile and get all these generic copy and paste messages, it makes things disheartening too, and it makes me not want to respond to guys who don’t try to stand out.

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Londonstories - 13 Nov, 2023 - 09:16PM

Let's begin with this: We, as men, invest a considerable amount of effort in setting up our profiles, messaging ladies, and continuing to send messages even when we receive no replies. And to add to that, we are also under the pressure of our membership time limit. Unlike half of the ladies here, we cannot create multiple profiles. At the start, men usually send well-thought-out messages to every girl, but it's disheartening when the ladies don't reply or simply ignore us. However, we men are determined and will keep striving to succeed.

Just cut some slack for us and try to message back 😂

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1529050 - 13 Nov, 2023 - 08:58PM

MrsDiscreet - 13 Nov, 2023 - 07:30PM

Well I guess the reason like a lot of who use a generic profile picture is that … you know … we’re being discreet 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

I would not dream of having my real photo on my profile pixelated or nor ….

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QueenLilith - 13 Nov, 2023 - 08:14PM

Excellent point! I just think many guys can be asked to put effort in for much 😂. At least not enough for a deep meaningful connection to begin with… I don’t know. I just know my married Mr Perfect 🙈🫣🤣🤣

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