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Is one IE enough?

How many on here have actually been completely monogamous with their IE?
How many have cheated (if that's a thing) on their IE with another (or multiple) IE?
Were you honest with your IE?
And how many still have any sort of sexual relationship with their spouse?

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Comments (140)

gemini2310 - 23 May, 2020 - 11:16PM

I only have the time or inclination for one IE and that's very hard to work around with my job but where there's a will there's away

1376887 - 23 May, 2020 - 11:12PM

I would only look for one IE at a time, I wouldn’t have the time or energy for more than that. It’s about a mental connection as well as a physical one.

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MatureWorcsBBW - 23 May, 2020 - 10:38PM

It's easy enough to build up a good and trusting regular friendship with more than one IE and for it to be fulfilling and respected by everyone involved.

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Levi444 - 23 May, 2020 - 10:34PM

I was always faithful to my previous partner and now I’m looking for someone long term as my previous partner moved on

1382828 - 23 May, 2020 - 10:18PM

Just the one special friend, and the trust comes when you both wish to give it a go. So yes I would be monogamous with my IE. You know when someone is into you so only fair to give them a chance and for you to be in return. But then some may think differently and have different motives. I am sure they can be seen a mile off..

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Fromthestart - 23 May, 2020 - 09:41PM

Songbird478 -

When does an IE become your IE? When you’ve chatted for X amount of days? When you’ve met? When you’ve had sex?

This is something that I've wondered about too.
I have the right to ask for my IE to be monogamous with me?
However I've spoken to one IE who was horrified that I was talking to other men as well as him even though we had only been talking for less than a day. Am i expected to only talk to one man at a time?

As for a sexual relationship with my spouse I wish there was but that side going is what made me come here

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Levi444 - 23 May, 2020 - 09:17PM

Always good to have 1 partner

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Levi444 - 23 May, 2020 - 09:15PM

I have

1338297 - 23 May, 2020 - 08:58PM

Always had an exclusive affair. For a start I’m too busy. I don’t have the time for multiple partners.

Personally I feel this is safer. Nobody wants to get caught or messed about.

The flirty banter in between meets. The build up. The planning. Could only do this with one guy!

I also take this very seriously. I’m not out to hurt anyone. It should be fun. A friend with benefit and sex gets better with time.

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Chelseaguy12 - 23 May, 2020 - 06:38PM

Fucking for the sake of it isnt big or clever

Might be some deeper rooted problem

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