Is one IE enough?
How many on here have actually been completely monogamous with their IE?
How many have cheated (if that's a thing) on their IE with another (or multiple) IE?
Were you honest with your IE?
And how many still have any sort of sexual relationship with their spouse?
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Comments (140)
splendored - 23 May, 2020 - 02:39PM
I don't have sex with my wife and haven't had sex with her for several years, which is why I am here on IE.
I wouldn't try to have a relationship with more than one IE because it would over complicate my already over complicated life. I value my sanity too much. Having one IE is risky enough having more than one at the same time would in my view be reckless.
I would always ask my IE from the start if, like me, they are happy to be "monogamous".
Not that really matters but is it possible to be monogamous with someone else whilst still married?
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Teresa di Vicenzo - 23 May, 2020 - 02:32PM
I have sex with my husband. Rarely. I think we’ve ‘done it’ about 3 times this year!
I expect to be my IE’s one and only. He’ll probably have sex with his wife, and that’s ok. But I don’t want an IE who has women all over the place. I think that’s irresponsible and ultimately risky regarding diseases etc (apparently rife among people of a certain age group - my age group 🙄)
Each to their own, everyone has their own ideals. However, if I discovered an IE was seeing others, then I’d end it. Simples. Others may be happy to share but it’s not for me.
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ClassyLady77 - 23 May, 2020 - 02:08PM
I’m loyal to my IE, if they’re loyal to me..
Yes I do have sex with hubby.. I seem to be in the minority... 😂
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tender_rock - 23 May, 2020 - 02:08PM
Doesn't matter if one is monogamous or poly, what matter is to be truthful to ourselves and to the partner about what our intentions are.
Everyone has their own goals and desires and expectations from the person in their lives and free to pursue it.
Have been monogamous and would like to keep it that way but don't mind if my IE is not however would expect her to be honest about it.
"Fornication depends on communication!"
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Pogosticks87 - 23 May, 2020 - 01:48PM
How men and women view things are normally different (not all). I think it depends on the person and their circumstances.
if you travel the length and breadth of the country on a weekly basis it would be silly of anyone to assume that you wouldn't be looking for others in different areas. Not all, but some would. The problem is honesty here.
I know the whole site is based in the premise of dishonesty and in a way it is a facade that we expect everyone on here to be honest however it makes things a whole lot easier if they are. If your circumstances allow you to have more than one I. E then you should be honest with all of them. It's up to them then if they want to continue with you.
Personally I stick with one, that suits my circumstances and my personality. I'm always honest and say this, if he doesn't agree I won't take it further. But I also won't scold him either. It's his choice.
Home life has to stay the same otherwise your just asking for trouble!
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1357586 - 23 May, 2020 - 01:40PM
Can you cheat on an IE? Isn't an IE the cheat aspect ?
Depends on your reasons for being here. I do not want a serious, live in each other pockets relationship. If I did I wouldn't be here!
I just want the life I have with a few extras. No drama, I go to the theatre for that. No demands, work has that one sealed lol.
Just fun, friendship and frolics suits me completely
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pkash78 - 23 May, 2020 - 01:00PM
I don’t believe that humans were naturally born monogamous.. that is just unnatural .
Marriage is a new institution added by civilisation and religion ..
our human emotions and natural needs and propagation of life cannot accept monogamy as the norm.. it is counter productive..
never heard of a bee that tastes only on flower. Our emotional well being relies on diversity and new relationships
Marriage as an institution invented by religion and civilisation is counterproductive
we can keep the marriage to complete the facade. To satisfy the religion / society / family / economy .
But our emotional well being as humans relies on diversity
We are naturally a social creature
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Songbird478 - 23 May, 2020 - 12:55PM
When does an IE become your IE? When you’ve chatted for X amount of days? When you’ve met? When you’ve had sex?
At the moment... it’s not possible to meet... do you put all your faith in one human behind a keyboard? Perhaps you need to kiss a few frogs to find YOUR IE?
Early on, I was convinced a guy I was talking to was going to be my IE he disappeared without a word. His right to do so and I have no idea of the circumstances behind that so I just have to shrug and deal with it. It wasn’t the first time or the last time! So when do you decide?
I am always open though... so it’s not a shock to anyone I’m chatting to.
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pkash78 - 23 May, 2020 - 12:33PM
Regarding honesty.. I have.. but it seems to me people here are scared of telling the truth. or admitting the truth..
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1272141 - 23 May, 2020 - 12:32PM
Because of the way these things work. Certainly for men, Its no different from buses. You wait and wait, then suddenly several appear.
The overall result is that no matter how many come, you can only finish the journey in one bus.
The chances are that, come a multiple set of prospective ie, following at least one real meeting; you get rejected by some, are undecided yourself in some cases, and one is likely to be the logical conclusion. More by her indication than your own. That is a fellas common default condition.
In some circumstances this might even involve a certain amount of sexual proving. As some go that far to avoid any uncertainty in the future. Again that can involve selection. But its not going to turn into a harem.
Ordinary relations with your spouse have to continue as normal.
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