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Is one IE enough?

How many on here have actually been completely monogamous with their IE?
How many have cheated (if that's a thing) on their IE with another (or multiple) IE?
Were you honest with your IE?
And how many still have any sort of sexual relationship with their spouse?

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Comments (142)

Sexy Senorita xo - 16 Jul, 2022 - 10:10PM

This is such a good question. I did consider whether I wanted multiple IEs or just the one but for me, just the one made more sense. I don't really have the time or inclination to juggle more than one IE. I always wanted an IE who wants just one IE too, just my preference. I purposely wanted an IE who was still in a sexual relationship (of sorts) with their partner as I wanted there to be no misunderstandings, this was strictly an affair - some fun, sex, laughter & good times. So far, so good.

1393228 - 22 Jul, 2020 - 06:25PM

If it's just a lot of sex that's needed, this is not the place. It's not that hard to find, especially if a connection isn't important. Each to their own, but if it's just about the thrill of the chase and notching a cricket score, there are bars and sites that can cater for it. This has always offered much more, if you're prepared to commit to it.

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Ann1974 - 22 Jul, 2020 - 04:26PM

I believe in talking to one person at the time, once the meet is decided I do not encourage the other IE’s commutation I always sort of come clean let them know I have a potential...see how it goes. I am here because am separated if I wasn’t personally I wouldn’t. Easy to be honest to an IE as we’re all looking for the one which we’re comfortable and able to connect with. Always exclusive just me x

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1117169 - 22 Jul, 2020 - 03:55PM

Always. If you find the right person you dont think about anyone else.

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1388461 - 08 Jun, 2020 - 11:04AM

I don't have an IE yet but I am an exclusive lover in that I only like to be affectionate/intimate with only one woman especially as I am not even intimate with my spouse, so you would not find me with more that one IE.

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SAMM65 - 08 Jun, 2020 - 10:44AM

I met my IE 5 years ago and over time we could not meet as often we agreed to see other people and we both do t have sex with our spouses. I now see 1 IE once month another every 3 to months and currently no one since lockdown so as long as we are honest and not hurting anyone where's the harm?

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1367807 - 01 Jun, 2020 - 08:14PM

Honesty is key I think. I have great sex with my husband, plus at the moment 3 other men (2 from IE 1 from work) and although it's definitely fair to say I am cheating on my husband, I'm not cheating on any of the others as they all know they aren't my only affair.

I'm very surprised to read so many comments here talking about "cheating" in such a negative way when we are all signed up members of a site specifically for that. Hate to break it to you all, but whether or not you and your spouse still have a sex life is a bit irrelevant, if you are going behind their back, having sex and/or a romantic relationship with someone else without telling them, you're still a cheat whether that's with one person or 10.

We're all here cheating, there's no need to be judgemental about those cheating differently to you.

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246345 - 31 May, 2020 - 07:53PM

One would be enough for me. I've not got that one yet, so I can say that. But what if I have the time? I don't think I'd have the inclination to go for just one woman because it would just be about the sex, and more lies.

1372180 - 29 May, 2020 - 11:48PM

I have never cheated on my IE, I am not physical with my husband at home and spent 2 very happy years with an amazing guy I met on here. We were both very open initially about what we were looking for and both said we were only looking for one person and we both stuck to that during the 2 years. We both had very busy lives whilst we were together and the limited free time we had we just wanted to spend it together.

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Charlie10027 - 28 May, 2020 - 11:07AM

For me being on IE is to have the joy of a relationship which, for whatever reason, you do not have in a marriage. And to really enjoy that relationship, and get the best out of it, you should be monogamous. And if your desire is to play around, then clearly your IE relationship is not right for you, and out of respect for your IE partner you should finish it and move on. Logistically its not easy having an affair, why make life complicated and hurt other people unnecessarily? Just enjoy the moment and your partner.

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